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  1. Bregman is so bad we aren't even gonna be able to trade him for anyone worth a shit.
  2. Quit taking up for him Kalas. Guy is a major league pitcher who sucks major league cock.
  3. Shawn Dubin. Where the fuck did we get this scrub from?
  4. The amount of time it takes people to conduct a god damn transaction at an ATM machine. And I'd say about 70% of the time the person is not dispensed any cash. Fuck people.
  5. 9 more in a row and we’re back to .500!!
  6. I had no idea Caratini was a Mexican unti I saw him with an interpreter.
  7. Espada needs to go out and get heaved for that shit call.
  8. Well at least that fuck stick Brown doesn't get a cheap win.
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