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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ZB'Tejas

  1. On 12/6/2019 at 9:57 PM, Buzzrock said:

    Maybe they can find me a Weller 12.

    I got a Weller 12 recently here in Austin. Also, if you are not aware they are in the middle of the 12 Days of Whiskey at The Austin Shaker. Each day they are pouring samples of something new and you get a raffle ticket where they open up the vault on the last day and raffle away opportunities to buy rare stuff at good prices. Sampled the Boss Hog last week on Whistle Pig day and Garrison Bros Cowboy Bourbon on Sat.

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  2. Quote


    I'm taking the in-laws this week but Brother in law will be coming for the holiday and don't have a ticket. So looking for one extra that I can get him in on and then find a seat near us. Has anyone had issues getting into certain sections with any ticket? I'm lower so should I buy a lower just to make sure?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Quite frankly if you don't do all you can to get your kids into the absolute best learning environment you can, you're doing it wrong IMO.  

    If you're not going to put them into the best possible school system then you better get them on track for a really good trade program (which is not a bad way to go either IMO).  The competition for jobs is going to be steeper going forward, and the trades are looking for lots of positions to fill now, and in the future.

    The "absolute best learning environment" is likely pretty subjective. There is a wide range between the poorest performing schools and the top rated ones (both private and public) Stretching financially to get into some private school is probably not the best thing you can do for your kids. Being financially smart and stable so that your kids have the ability to take a risk might be.

  4. 15 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    #1 is really important. It’s not because it means you will go to a better school. who gives a shit. Being around more privileged peers has negatives, yes, but the main benefit is the raised expectations of the group. For example, is the peer group is all going to college, your kid will expect they are going to college too. If kids in the peer group aspire to be doctors, lawyers, accountants, there’s a greater chance of your kid following that same path, having that same baseline expectation. The same applies to a peer group where 1/3 of the kids join the marines, become teachers, sell insurance. [there is nothing wrong with any of these things]. But if you want your kid to become the next Senator, it is easier if they surround themselves with other kids that have those expectations. 

    I'm hoping that my kids can find their way on a good track that leads to Ann Richards/LASA if they are so inclined. I have no intention of moving out to Westlake or Lake Travis to get them into a solid track of schools. I'd rather see them exposed to a much more diverse student body however there are concerns that could mean teaching at an average that would be below some other programs.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Okie State said:

    Dump it. We did and don't miss it a bit.

    I have Hulu live with no commercials... going to $61 a month. When you dumped Hulu how did you watch sports. Just stuff on broadcast with antenna?

    I have Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Disney+ and really don't think I need all this stuff.

  6. 45 minutes ago, blacklab said:

    Hopefully they get tickets on them

    Mopeds are allowed to park in metered areas for up to 12 hours for free. Only after that are they required to pay the meter and/or be ticketed so these are totally legal to be parked where they are. Face it guys, street parking for cars is just a pipe dream going forward.

  7. Whew, this thread is for real. I spent most of my 20s as a consultant doing the weekly travel thing. No wife and no kids so it was very manageable plus since I was a consultant on a project with other traveling consultants those became my friends I spent the most time with. Some cites were shittier than others but I saw a lot, ate a lot of food and drank even more booze. Fast forward to my 30s where I got married that travel lifestyle got a lot less interesting. Consulting (and the travel that comes with it)had run it's course for me therefore I got into Sales. Now I have young kids and still travel a little bit but way more manageable than the weekly road warrior. I knew/know plenty of people that do it but I don't think I would ever go back to the 100% travel with a family. Good advice in many of these responses.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    What, no blow jobs for you?


    Perhaps the downside of marrying a millennial... wasn't into giving blow jobs immediately after her C-section. what a bitch ;)

  9. 1 minute ago, Wiler77 said:

    Going to see Trotter this Friday, with surgery temporarily scheduled on Tuesday Dec. 3rd.  What are the odds I'll feel like getting on an airplane for a really long flight to the Middle East?  Well, I mean due to the surgery.

    When is the flight? Next day would be uncomfortable. The next two weeks are not painful just more uncomfortable than anything... like the after effects of being kicked in the nuts.

  10. On 10/31/2019 at 12:39 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    So how bad are the e-mopeds coming to Austin going to be?

    They are intended to be operated just like regular mopeds (i.e. using motor vehicle intended streets) I signed up and took one around a couple times and they work great and super cheap. I hope people don't actually try and ruin this by taking them on sidewalks and such. They are fucking heavy and would be just like getting hit on the street by a regular one.

  11. 1 minute ago, Neonmoon said:

    I'm expecting them to tear down the Randalls on Mesa and Spicewood, only because there is a max of 5 people in the store at any given time. That being said, they probably won't tear it down, since I've long believed Randalls for a front for drug trafficking. It's the only logical explanation at how they can exist without customers. 

    I guess the Randalls in Tarrytown finally stopped selling then... O'Henry kids stopped buying maybe?

    I did really like that Randall's when I lived in that neighborhood as I could be in and out in far less time than the HEB. 

  12. 12 hours ago, Laxtonto said:

    So baby #2 is due in May. So how soon after should I worry about snip snip? We are pretty sure we want to stop at 2.

    I was sure that I would be stopping at 2 so I had mine done before the baby came. Sex starts again after about 6 weeks post birth and it takes around 2 months for us to be 100% sure our procedure worked so I did mine about 3 weeks prior to delivery.  You need to rub one out 40-50 times during this time so might as well use a time you are not getting any.

  13. On 10/20/2019 at 1:56 PM, hornian said:

    My aunt bought a 3/2 ~1200 sq/ft house in Windsor Park for $114k in 2003 that I lived in through undergrad/law school. She sold it in 2012 after I moved out, for about $350K. Last I looked that house was valued over $400k. So I think that ship might have sailed. 

    Perhaps... I thought the same about Tarrytown in 2014 when I laughed at everything being 700-900K... now those same houses are 1.5M and up

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