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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ZB'Tejas

  1. On 10/15/2019 at 11:13 PM, Stringer said:

    Need some equipment advice.  What's the best baby monitor that you have come across.  We had one for our first, but the range was shit and was really frustrating.

    Need an upgrade for our second.  Any good ones with great range or that work through the wifi?

    Nest camera worked well enough for me. You can mount them  to the ceiling if you want a direct view down to the crib or put it in the top corner to get a full view of the room which works better as they get older. Nest has several other products so if you decide to add smoke detectors or outdoor cameras you still have one place to see everything. Although Nest allows you to hear and communicate I ended up pairing with a cheapo sound only monitor for the baby that I placed right next to his crib so you have sound always on during the night or nap times.

  2. 1 hour ago, BigDHornfan said:

    Wait til they start watching stupid ass videos on youtube.  Still don't get why my son loves to watch videos of other kids playing with toys.  

    The worst... kids playing with toys is so ridiculous. I had to delete YouTube and just give her YouTube kids because she would go into strange dark holes of Korean youtubery. I always tried to show her how to go full screen but she doesn't like that because she wants to see all the recommendations.

  3. On 10/4/2019 at 11:04 PM, ousuxndallas said:

    PSA, I bought a used Taylor Made M1 off ebay last year. It developed a small chip/crack, I turned in a warranty request to TM. They sent me a brand new M5. Amazing customer service.

    Nice. sounds like I need to chip my M1 then

  4. 31 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Out near Sterling City/Robert Lee.  I think he has something like 1 cow for every 50 acres or something. 

    My first year to hunt it was when all the wildfires were affecting Bastrop etc.  His entire place burned.  A man across the highway was welding on some well casing, fire started and jumped the road.  They fought it for several days but mostly lost.  Imagine 20k acres of black hills.  Millions of dollars in X fencing gone.   But, I got to see it flourish over the next several years, and it was beautiful when it came back “green” (tan).  

    I only shot one deer off that place, even though they were everywhere.  I passed on a HUGE swayback 6 because they following weekend they were having the “kids” hunt, and I had a high fence affair set up thru a friend. Some little girl shot it the following week, almost 130”. The one I ended up taking off that place was an old swaybacked thing that was 13 points, but about 125”, the last year they had it.  Buck had no teeth left.  They were really good about taking people who don’t really hunt much so I usually just let them shoot. I always had other hunts set up, I just really enjoyed that place.  

    What year was this fire? We are more in between Sterling City and Mertzon but had a blaze that took out hundreds of thousands of acres all over that area probably 12-15 years ago. That's what burned up the whole place including the new house we had just built. :(

  5. 2 hours ago, HOOKEM4 said:

    Smooth back door humble brag. Well played ZB.

    Ha, backed into it for sure. Didn't really mean it that way; only to give a perspective on what it would look like. To FF's comment yes, I guess that's what I'm considering. Getting to a point that very few people will be hunting it and I won't be out there much so thinking about creating a group that can maintain population while that happens.

  6. Thanks for the info. My place is just west of San Angelo and it's around 1200 acres. Good thing for it is that is surrounded on 3 sides by a massive ranch that does not hunt so we have always had a steady stream of deer there. There is a windmill (so animals have water access) and a cook shack with two additional bunk houses. We probably have 8 blinds and feeders setup on the property already but the trouble is I don't get out there very often as I have two little ones. Once they get a bit older I will go more but I just can't make the 4.5 hours out there every other weekend keep things up and feeders fed.

    Considering finding a new solution versus letting groups come out by the weekend and instead find a group of folks that want to manage and hunt the property over many year that will take better care of the deer population.


    Do you typically see number of people on the lease limited by acre or would you limit the number of weekends they could come? 

  7. What are you guys generally seeing in terms of lease costs for hunting here in Texas(Deer/Quail). $5 an acre each year? I'm considering leasing something out in the next few years and need to find a good way to keep hunting going but with way less maintenance than taking people out each weekend including feeders and stands.

  8. Where did you end up? The other week I tried to take a crew from out of town to RedAsh but it was too busy so settled for Taverna. Worked just fine. DaiDue is great but might be a bit more on the interesting side for small town people. Venison Ceviche is good though.

    Have anyone tried Comedor? I've heard it's not quite as good as Suerte but similar menu but in the right location for you.

  9. Grass right next to my pool looks terrible right now... Zoysia I think but would a highly chlorinated pool within people getting in and out just kills the grass event with regular watering?

    I have some other areas of that grass that just look scorched but this looks dead.

    I guess I need to try some various fertilizers and see if I can revive? or am I screwed until next year? I don't recall the grass near the pool doing this last year. 

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