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Sidney Sherman

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Everything posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. I like Lonzo, he's got a good personality. All four seem like they have room temperature IQs though. Funny how he conned ESPN into making them so famous. I don't know if Magic made the right pick, time will tell, Tatum looks like a baller, dare I say it, a big baller.
  2. Actually they don't, they are now told only to protect the area below the shooter so they can land without twisting the fuck out of their ankle (Kawaii). I thought it was the Allen Iverson rule, but actually that's palming the ball and calling carry. It's the Reggie Miller rules. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1382890-breaking-down-what-the-new-reggie-miller-rule-will-mean-for-nba-jumpshooters
  3. https://www.mmamania.com/2018/5/3/17314780/leslie-smith-files-labor-complaint-against-ufc-because-no-person-entity-above-the-law-mma Wahh they fired me for trying to take over the company
  4. Anybody know any good fishing spots around Galveston island? I've fished Pelican island just before the park, but usually it's just a flounder spot. I was thinking of going to the East end and dropping a line with some live shrimpies and see whats over there.
  5. I'm glad he is in the drug testing program, it forces him to either grow up and stop smoking or literally piss away a multi million dollar career playing a game.
  6. That is young Durant sleeping on the court because Worstbrook is a ball hog and the team wasn't coachable. Sure, Lebron would be great on the Warriors, but his style doesn't match up at all with how they play so I'm not sure how it would actually work. They play a lot of motion and ball movement, Lebron coached offense plays a lot of watching Lebron do his thing and getting open if he needs to kick it out. Lue doesn't coach the Cavs, Lebron does. This is what happens everywhere he goes. If you want to ignore Durant's play for Golden State because he's on a good team then I would still point to where he actually had the ball late with OKC, he was absolutely deadly, and that was creating his own shots. He also wasn't clunking late game free throws off the front of the rim. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2022521-kevin-durants-top-10-clutch-shots#slide0 Anyway, after watching Lebron the other night completely wreck the Raptors I agree Durant and Lebron are about on the same level. Their styles are different, but each is co-MVP of the league. Harden will probably win it, and I'm a Houston fan so that's ok. The MVP is kind of meaningless after they gave it to Russ for his valuable triple doubles that got him one playoff win and ignore Lebron year after year.
  7. Yeah we live in an epic time for great basketball talent. Just being able to watch the whole Lebron era has been awesome. He will probably go down as the greatest of all time just because he was able to play at such a high level and carry teams with crazy minutes, all while staying healthy. Dude must train well and is built like a machine. Durant is built freakishly long and skinney, but his handles and quickness for a 6'10" guy are insane. Either of these guys starting to work the high and low post more would be unstoppable. Lebron is somehow doing it while playing point guard too, he had like all of his points unassisted the other night.. Durant has the luxury of a team system that gets him spot up shots and the ball in rythem.
  8. Holy shit I look dumb, James just put on a GOAT performance with those jumpers in the 3rd and 4th. Rename it LeBronto. Maybe Im just a Durant homer.
  9. He did a good job getting a ton of hype and trolling ESPN. Now his 10 mins of fame is up and so is his "business". His son in the league is worse off from Lavar, because he could've signed a good shoe deal and his dad wanted to push some retarded $1B for all three Bs and adidas and nike weren't about to get ripped off. The other two probably would have had a decent chance if they worked hard and stayed in college for a while to develop. Just watched some stuff from the pathetic twitter of the "JBA". All the teams are just named "ballers" and have from 3 to 8 players total? I think I'd rather "be square" than be there. Sucks he has to drag along the kid with talent though this.
  10. But BECK! lel, can't fucking wait to watch the offense this year, I hope all those Beck haters have to eat their words. It was never bad play calling, it was bad offensive line and QB play.
  11. Chris Warren III should have stayed, he could've had a chance to make an impact and possibly have an NFL career.
  12. Good news boys, Spurs nut-hugger SKEEIIIPPP picking the jizz.
  13. Drawing a foul on someone running back lazy to play defense is a bitch move? Imagine being 7 foot in the NBA and grabbing dicks instead of trying to block shots.
  14. So you didn't watch it and you jist think the stats can tell the story od how shit the officiating was? I think the Rockets take the next 3 anyway, then the way this one was officiated will be pretty obvious.
  15. Rockets should be able to take them both. I'm sure Reggie Miller just loves these guys, but the Jazz are garbage. I hope Mittens Romney and the Utah fans get BTFO. Worstbrook said they were shit talking his family, maybe some shit like that will light a fire under some of these Rockets. They need an asshole. They need Green to throw some elbows and put some fear in the other team. PJ ain't doing it.
  16. Foul trouble. Did you watch the game? CP3 and Harden each had 5 fouls and Clint had 4. The officiating was one way the whole game. They overturned an offensive foul on Goobert and turned into a foul on Clint for NOTHING.
  17. If they can not draw this crew the next 3 games I think they end it in 5.
  18. Yeah sweet garbage time 3.
  19. Brah it would be a miracle to get a W with these dipshits.
  20. A flopping soft 7 foot 5 dude. Garbage officiating. First two free throws for James come with 1:40 left in the game. Sure.
  21. Yeah he should get into boxing. He flopped earlier with CP3 on him in the paint hes a trash basketball player. 7 footer falling on CP3 there after a free throw. Why are these guys still in the game? Stupid move to let the starters stay in there with this type of shit officiating.
  22. Fucking garbage. These refs are actually retarded. 5 fouls for harden lol wtf are they watching.
  23. Miller is braindead. He loves sucking off the rookie and trying to push new guys in the nba.
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