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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. Well - this isn't shaking out the way some folks hoped it would.
  2. Were you around Texas for the 20th century? The sexually repressed weirdos were the majority and controlled everything. We're only just now able to buy beer and wine before noon on Sundays. We've got a long way to go, but but the Baptists racist, sexually repressed, intolerant, backwards, closeted, stick up their ass pieces of shit are way less influential now that they used to be. Praise the Lord.
  3. Balancing the tax savings against having to live with typical suburban assholes like this makes my head hurt. We're sticking with the insane taxes for now.
  4. Got my Texas Cares results this morning. Moderna, second shot on March 6. Current spike protein antibodies: 1075 Negative on prior Covid infection. I have to admit, I was kind of hoping to have had one of those glorious asymptomatic cases and the subsequent immune boost. We can't have everything though. I think this means I'm good for a while, right?
  5. Good luck, Post Oak. Teachers not wearing masks definitely fall into the "fuck around and find out" category.
  6. No, I assumed they are that type of community. Based on past behavior and all.
  7. Yeesh. I've never bothered to ask, but I assume Waco in general is part of the head in the sand, Covid doesn't really exist camp.
  8. If these assholes own businesses or work in high profile roles, people should know who they are. I don't want to spend money with anyone acting that way. The two asshats assaulting people on campus should absolutely be outed, whether they are minions of J.S. or not. Public shaming of these twats is all we have left to try and nip Covid in the bud. Fuck all of them.
  9. It hasn't been discussed much, but before it attacks your sense of taste and smell, Covid first destroys your common sense. This can happen with even the slightest exposure, such as hearing about Covid on Fox News or reading about it on Texags.
  10. Same. Son tested negative for Covid and Strep. Then wife, daughter, and I started feeling like shit and tested negative for Covid. RSV likely culprit, but there are some other viruses floating around as well so who knows. Ultimately amounted to nothing much, but the boy was miserable with whatever it was.
  11. So, they won't wear masks, won't get vaccinated, and don't have anywhere to be during the workday because they're jobless? What the fuck good are these people?
  12. Well, there are doctors and then there are doctors. Like every other profession, a certain percentage of them are morons. We don't really have any way to know for sure which category our resident docs fall into, although at least a couple of them have certainly outed themselves. I say this with love, as someone with way too many doctor buddies. I hang out with them because I can't stand lawyers.
  13. Seems like you guys would have already been hit hard if you're going to.
  14. Don't know where you're at, but you should google Iraan and the fun times they're having in their hick little community right now. It's only a matter of time.
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