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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. I just don't get it. I really don't. Who in the fuck acts like this?
  2. How much is China the WHO paying you, exactly?
  3. If only he had said other things after that quote. 🙄 Fauci needs to sit down and shut up, as he may be the worst communicator in the history of public service, but fuck Tom Elliott and anyone else simpleminded enough to spread or buy into this kind of bullshit.
  4. Go get 'em Colinda. Austin Energy deserves way more shit than they've received over what happened here. The state/ERCOT deserves plenty of blame, but AE hasn't caught near their fair share of hell. And I'm not worried about rate spikes to cover it. AE does that on a whim as it is.
  5. The number of grown ass babies out there is shocking.
  6. I'm going to speak to my Congressman about a new "Kneecapping" bill I'd like him to sponsor.
  7. Reminds me of the assholes coming to the U.S. on international flights who request wheelchairs to skip ahead of the customs line upon landing. It's always a miracle when they hop right up after getting through the line to run and catch their connecting flight.
  8. My 7th and 10th graders both have 8. Is this not normal? I thought those old school schedules died out a long time ago and where replaced by block scheduling. I remember the beatdown of that many classes a day. By the time you sat down long enough to start paying attention class was over and it was on to the next thing.
  9. This is what it's going to take, unfortunately. Buddy with a large car dealership in the panhandle finally laid down the law. Lost a couple of long term employees over it, but it was the right thing to do.
  10. I don't know how things work in your family, but in my opinion a brother is never too old for an ass whipping when he gets out of line.
  11. Damn. Does your mom know he's not vaccinated?
  12. Are you referring to the Red/White flag of the Republic of Fredonia? Stretching that to be racist when it was a joint effort by whites and Native Americans. Maybe there's something else I've forgotten?
  13. Agreed. No doubt about that one. Her parents were way north of 70, good friends of my mom and dad. Simple cotton farmers who absolutely listened to a daughter they reasonably thought would know what she was talking about. If she or her Bama trumper husband had died, I would definitely respond with "fuck around/find out". Her parents' deaths break my heart though. And this shit is going on all over the country with elderly folks listening to their dumbass kids.
  14. I love the mental health resource fair idea. You sound like a great father. Keep up the great work - it makes a difference! We lost my niece last December (different circumstances), and my sister has responded in similar fashion by channeling her grief into helping others. She has a bill being introduced to Congress this month that she has busted her ass to get sponsored.
  15. A woman I went to high school with is a molecular biologist with a PhD. She convinced her parents they shouldn't get vaccinated. Covid killed both of them. Of all the terrible stories from the last couple of years, that one pisses me off the most. Yes, she's aggy.
  16. I think the best thing you can do is GET THE FUCK OUT OF KILLEEN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.
  17. Could be. It would take a solid set of balls to shoot yourself in the head and hop it just grazes you, and it would be easily tested for (I have to assume they tested him for gunpowder residue after his wife and son were killed as well). I didn't follow the case at all so I haven't ready any speculation on that front. Did he have a motive?
  18. I remember the story of the wife and son being shot. Seemed likely it was someone connected to the girl killed in the boat accident in the first event, although never proved right? Wasn't the dad a DA at one point? If so, suspect list could be quite long. Even if not, a generationally rich southern lawyer may have some shady dealings from time to time and one got out of control.
  19. Don't discount the natural instinct of an engineer to assume they know more about everything than anyone else after having read a base level of information about the topic on the Internet. It's as if the education and life experience that makes them good engineers makes them more susceptible to manipulation regarding every other topic. QAnon, Texags, and anti-vaxers count many engineers among their ranks. They're a natural fit. Leander Evangelical influence probably didn't help. Lots of crossover behavior between the two groups.
  20. You Tesla drivers sure about that carbon footprint reduction? There's a reason Tesla doesn't report its carbon emissions. Cool cars, though. Might be our next purchase.
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