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Queen Bitch

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Everything posted by Queen Bitch

  1. That’s enough, ladies. We won. Now go pour yourselves a bourbon.
  2. Lolololol if they somehow win by a touchdown and two FGs
  3. Compromise goes both ways, you dumb bewigged bitch
  4. Lol there was another 2-3 of roll left in that bounce
  5. For a few shining weeks I forgot how miserable watching Texas football makes me feel
  6. Thread title should be “Tell me your football program hasn’t accomplished shit without telling me me your football program hasn’t accomplished shit“
  7. Every year I tell myself "Now self I know we've sucked against TCU lately, but not this year. This year we're actually going to win." I'm wrong more often than not. But this time? THIS TIME. I'm right. I know I'm right. Absolutely no question about it.
  8. I like OU as a morning game and I'm not apologizing. You wake up early, a combination of grossly hungover and still drunk, but the shower-beer helps to re-lubricate the bones. You show up to the fair, shove down some corny dogs and more beer, and before you know it the game is minutes away. Then, after you win, your side gets to claim the fair for the rest of the day until the sun goes down, at which time you gotta get the fuck outta the neighborhood. I'm open to hearing why 2:30p is the better option, but I know I'm right.
  9. Denise, 1400 people live in my block in LA, which balanced out the vote of your entire shitty town. Good luck with the move!
  10. Really hope they win out til Dallas -- would be amazing to solidly beat a top 5 OU team.
  11. My god-given right to enter a Wal-Mart
  12. Pains me greatly to watch what it's become from afar.
  13. Will honestly laugh so very hard if Laura Loomer ****
  14. 1.5 million signatures force a recall... in a state of almost 40 million people... in an election Newsom steamrolled with 62% of the vote. If you don't see a disconnect with those numbers, you aren't arguing in good faith.
  15. This has less to do with French Laundry and far, far more to do with Republicans being spendthrift trolls who recognize the sham recall process is their only back-alley into the governor's mansion. Hopefully we change the law, stat.
  16. Right?! Isn't "it's already rigged" how the GQP lost the GA senate seats? How is this a sound strategy?
  17. Did you… did you bother reading the thread first or nah?
  18. $10 IBRX limit order YOLO crew signing in.
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