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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. That’s why 16 year olds have to take classes and pass a test to get a license before they can operate a motor vehicle, you colossal dumbass.
  2. Yup, you’re totally not making shit up and in fact are on to something. There is indeed a great conspiracy being orchestrated by (((them))) who control all the media and police departments in the country. (((They))) probably own all the banks too, right?
  3. On this, I'm pretty sure that the only conceivable role any federal official could have related to state elections would be actual DOJ attorneys investigating whether in conducting an election some state official was violating citizens' constitutional rights. I guess maybe the attorney general, to the extent the attorney general is involved in discussions with lower-level investigators concerning such investigations. The President and/or the Chief of Staff? Absent a truly terrifying application of the unitary executive theory, I can't see it.
  4. They need to basically do a Raising Arizona remake with Boyd and his new lady guard girlfriend. I'd watch that 100 times.
  5. No, I think he does like them. He won't admit that to us, of course, and maybe not even to himself, but Republicans find school shootings (and all forms of mass shootings) politically useful. E.g.:
  6. I'm sure like 75% of Surly posts primarily on the football board, which skews much more MAGA than we do here.
  7. You're talking to the guy who likes it when school shootings happen.
  8. When I'm dictator, anyone who talks shit about Mary Elizabeth Winstead will get sent to the gulags.
  9. I'd be curious to know where he originally learned about the story from, because you know it wasn't msn.com.
  10. We're not far from some similar parents making their kid take a gun to school for social media clout.
  11. You've basically turned into an infowars listener, you deranged lunatic. What's next, are you gonna stalk the victims' parents?
  12. Yup, the parents are in on it too. You've figured it all out.
  13. It's definitely a big conspiracy with courts and the relevant police departments all in on it. You fucking idiot.
  14. You can bet your ass that SCOTUS will say it's totally fine for Texas to require the icky businesses to post warnings about the harm viewing their content can cause, even though they recently ruled that California couldn't make crisis pregnancy centers post notices informing the patients they were conning that abortions were available elsewhere.
  15. Well if we actually want to do anything, step 1 would be expanding the Supreme Court. Because the current Supreme Court will just say "hey, they didn't have that law on the books in 1791 so you can't do it now."
  16. If anyone wants to see some truly sick, deranged shit online, just take a look at any of the online mom groups and the insane shit they start speculating about that might threaten them and their kids.
  17. Yeah, we know what happens when too many people start to think that the fascists are maybe alright. Whatever weird ideas porn is giving teenagers, how likely are they to actually stumble across their stepsister stuck in a dryer?
  18. Jr. does Cameo vids for like $100 a pop. These people are not actually wealthy.
  19. What? Has Paxton demonstrated any remorse or repented at all? I think the key to keeping their support is the opposite: being a huge criminal piece of shit that draws the ire of the secular world, then claiming you're being persecuted for your faith.
  20. If you fuckers are gonna keep doing math in here I'm going to start reporting posts.
  21. I think if you were actually informed (say, if you were a lawyer) you'd feel a lot less certain.
  22. wildcat09


    Ana probably lives nearby.
  23. You're doing a real bang-up job of recruiting. In other religion news: This guy's alright. Most American Catholics? Not so much.
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