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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Apparently he began assaulting her while she was asleep. Piece of shit needs to go to prison for a long time.
  2. Yeah, this is Trump pulling the strings. It’s just that it’s incredibly stupid and is going to hurt them all and Biden will come out of it looking better.
  3. This is almost impossibly stupid and is going to backfire on them spectacularly. They really have run every single halfway decent political strategist out of the party.
  4. Wrong. Common street gangs typically don't kill people that aren't in the game. They literally care more about keeping normal people safe than the police do.
  5. Investigation launched into tape of Seattle police guild leaders downplaying death of woman struck by officer: The only proper words for this would get me arrested.
  6. The mainstream media is going to treat Biden's age like it did Hillary's emails. They don't have anything else to latch on to. But I don't think it will matter much. Trump isn't much younger and is noticeably less healthy, and a bunch of undecided voters are old themselves and if anything will probably be turned off by the age attacks. I'm more worried about it raining in metro areas in swing states on election day than I am about the political efficacy of the age attacks.
  7. You especially don’t replace a black woman with a white man who has no appeal to the party’s base. Fastbreak doesn’t even have an elementary school understanding of American politics.
  8. This. Anyone who seriously thinks that candidates are just plug and play replacements and that anyone younger than Biden would automatically be preferable to swing voters is a complete fucking idiot.
  9. If you seriously believe this, you need a legal guardian.
  10. Can any of y’all say you’re sure he didn’t have someone push melania down some stairs then bury her on a golf course for special tax treatment?
  11. I for one think that we should be pissed off enough at the Saudis over their role in it that neither of our political parties would even think to kiss their asses.
  12. This guy has at least a dozen easily-debunked race science links he’s been considering dropping on us for months. I’m sure he’ll be back soon with “nu uh! Phrenology is still a well respected branch of science and only communists think otherwise!”
  13. That poor girl had to take a job as a traffic light.
  14. Why aren’t you fuckers all negging GR Horn’s new handle?
  15. Mark Meadows is a very stupid man. I don’t think it’s more complicated than that.
  16. The only sensible thing to do is to burn them all to the ground.
  17. It's almost a certainty that SpaceX violated the existing contract. The problem is Elon doesn't give a shit about contracts and flagrantly violates them all the time. The only way to change his behavior would be severe financial penalties or criminal prosecution.
  18. Elon's affirmatively helping Putin kill Ukrainian children. I feel like there's something in the vast federal criminal code we prosecute him for.
  19. That really doesn't matter. They'd just have found something else in her history to justify it.
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