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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Brisket, you know as well as anyone that there are plenty of ways to protect Jewish Israelis and their political power even in a unified state with Palestinians. This "they'll outfuck and outreproduce the Jews and then kill them all" is just replacement theory shit and is as likely to happen there as it is to happen here.
  2. Doesn’t help when the ump calls a pitch four inches off the plate strike 1.
  3. Time for Machete to let this ump take one to the face.
  4. These fucking umps tonight I swear to god.
  5. I get Covid and we finally take a lead in this series. Coincidence?
  6. You should watch the sequels.
  7. I give it ten days before we find out he's incredibly anti-Semitic.
  8. C'mon man, this is silly. Spambots are on twitter because it's pretty profitable to run spambots on twitter. Most are operated by relatively sophisticated operations and adding $1 per bot is an infinitesimally small cost of doing business for them.
  9. Definitely doesn’t seem like this could’ve been a bomb. Maybe one of those cars had explosives in it that got set off by the shrapnel from the disabled rocket? Who knows. But it definitely seems like the Gazan health ministry exaggerated the casualties.
  10. Haaretz is not antisemitic and anyone saying it is is a fucking dipshit.
  11. Really doesn't help that Israel's comms are a total shitshow.
  12. Issuing correction on a prior post of mine: Houston in 6.
  13. It's not that it's not an interesting subject for discussion, but I'm pretty sure 90% of the people who want to have this discussion usually end up using it to bring themselves around to supporting some truly horrific shit.
  14. The simple answer is because people wrote it and revised it. That's just how laws work, because they're debated by and have to be agreed upon by a lot of people. Every one of whom may have a slightly different understanding of what any one portion of that law means. But I'm pretty sure nobody involved with passing and ratifying the 14th Amendment wanted to let a president commit treason and get elected again.
  15. More importantly, what possible fucking reason could they have had for wanting to exclude a president from disqualification by the 14th Amendment if he committed treason? Is there any other evidence indicating that they thought a president should get to commit a little treason?
  16. Unfortunately this excludes most constitutional lawyers and law professors. edit: I see you already made my point.
  17. Issuing correction on a prior post of mine: Houston in 5.
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