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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Whitmire is very obviously going to flip to the GOP after he gets elected.
  2. Idaho's first 'abortion trafficking' arrest:
  3. It's Netanyahu's/Likud's plan, not Israel's. He'll also be trying to use this as an opportunity to crack down on domestic opposition.
  4. "Hurt people hurt people" applies at scale, basically.
  5. About this: So it could've been actual Cornell students, or it couldn't been Russian propagandists, or it could've been some good old fashioned American nazis trying to stir shit up. We won't know unless/until law enforcement actually tracks down who posted the threats.
  6. Dems should be blanketing every medium with this guy's hundreds of insane statements about women.
  7. This is an impossible demand to make of literal children.
  8. The deaths aren't just acceptable to Republicans. They're desired. Mass shootings have become an essential element of modern Republican politics. They galvanize their own supporters by reigniting fear of the left taking their guns, they scare wayward Christians back into churches, they scare people into taking their kids out of public schools, and they scare people into avoiding secular public spaces more generally. It's the same goals as any religiously-based terrorist organization.
  9. Bagwellsterby is gonna make himself manager I bet.
  10. Fatty can’t respond right now, he’s busy evading law enforcement in Maine.
  11. Decent chance most of the cops in the state are hiding until someone else deals with the problem for them.
  12. Just your typical Republican.
  13. This. There was never a deal to be had. At least now the speaker is someone who is a good representation of the GOP’s desire to treat women like brood sows.
  14. Feels like they’ve got fucking 20 of those this series.
  15. Shaun King is such an amazing piece of shit.
  16. Neither. Mueller didn’t believe he had the legal power to prosecute a sitting president. Whether or not he actually did is something that he theoretically could have challenged, but no DOJ prosecutor would ever do so.
  17. Lofl Helo, thanks for the assist.
  18. I dunno man, I heard a lot of Astros fans there at the end.
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