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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Well yeah, it's got words and shit. Only libtards read.
  2. Buddy, if you start linking Matt Yglesias frequently we're going to have words.
  3. It's very funny reading people complain that the NYT is a liberal rag after it's spent the last month-plus acting as Christopher Rufo's megaphone in his campaign to remove all women and minorities from leadership positions of ivy league schools.
  4. Because people who wanted them to succeed were in the chain of command.
  5. Yeah, most of the most I agree with but this bolded part reeks of some both-sides shit. The "groomers" here are the GOP, only, and if anything the people in positions of power and influence in the center-left (no actual leftists have any economic or political power in America) are still underestimating the threat the right poses.
  6. …wait… were they bitching about rules against raping teammates?
  7. I hadn't seen it before so just went to read it, but I think Newdoc was saying that men who commit sex crimes should receive estrogen implants, which would (at least in his thinking) keep them from committing more sex crimes in the future. I don't know how effective that might be, but I don't think he was trying to imply that trans women are committing a disproportionate amount of sex crimes.
  8. Yup, they’re softer than Charmin.
  9. I find it pretty unlikely that Bill himself slept with any girls he knew to be underage. I find it less unlikely that he didn't really care about a girl's age if she looked "old enough" and might've slept with a girl who was 16 or 17. I find it pretty damned likely that he knew Epstein was himself a pedo and involved in sex trafficking young girls and didn't much care. And I think the likelihood that Trump slept with girls he knew to be underage is probably at least as likely as it is that Bill knew about Epstein's activities, because he's a bigger creep than Bill and we've all seen the many pictures of him with younger Ivanka. The new testimony from a girl who doesn't appear to be Virginia Giuffre that Dershowitz repeatedly raped her is incredibly damning. His denials of Giuffre's allegations were always obviously desperate bullshit, but I don't see how this doesn't lead to a criminal investigation into him. For anyone who's unfamiliar, ALAB podcast did a great episode a few years ago covering what was known at the time about his involvement with Epstein.
  10. This is more for the immigration thread, but that's not why there's been an increase in people trying to immigrate. The real causes are (i) the prior admin's policies vis a vis the countries they're coming from (revoking aid and, for Venezuela, imposing sanctions), worsening conditions in those countries, and (ii) the pandemic, which delayed many peoples' attempts to immigrate.
  11. You do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to Trump. To the extent he was “right” about China, it was solely because he was a stupid racist and let’s not forget that he actually received millions of dollars from China and begged them for their help in his campaign.
  12. Lofl. There are like three people on earth that are easier to understand than Elon Musk.
  13. Well now, maybe that's the real reason for the 2021 freeze.
  14. Man, what the fuck do you think average Palestinians are supposed to do about Hamas, or average Russians are supposed to do about Putin? You have spent countless hours talking here about how an attempted revolution by Trumpers could never succeed here, and they’re the most heavily harmed people on the fucking planet. What are moderate Palestinians supposed to do about Hamas? And your “oh I’m sure Israel would prefer Palestinians overthrow Hamas” line is dumb as hell and has been debunked in this very thread already. Netanyahu and the Likud party have used the Israeli state to support Hamas as the sole fucking Palestinian power for years and weren’t even shy about admitting it.
  15. I just checked the time again and it’s 12:51 and wouldn’t you know it, OU still fucking sucks. Who would’ve guessed?
  16. Y’all let me know if I’m doing this right. Ahem, it’s….12:09 A.M. AND OU STILL FUCKING SUCKS
  17. Clearly there's some secret, nefarious force uniting American journalism outlets that are covering Elon with a new skepticism and British journalism outlets that are covering Elon with a new skepticism. A (((globalist))) force, if you will.
  18. I think the USSR being ruled by a dying gerontocracy comprised of entitled, selfish shits who were desperate to cling to power had more to do with it. It's a good thing we'll never experience something like that.
  19. I don't follow the football board much, but it sure seems OP's whole gripe is that he wants to see more slurs in football threads and he thinks any objection to that is librul bullshit. Do I have it about right?
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