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Certifiably Surly
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1234 Surly 10%

About pch

  • Birthday 08/08/1952

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  1. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Hoping that this is the case when the Fort Worth location opens on 7th street. There are some great barbecue places in Tarrant County that are listed in the TM list and if the pictures posted here are any indication, one more will be added.
  2. pch

    Texas BBQ

    This is my favorite Tarrant County barbecue joint, but also the double meat smashburger (ground brisket) is top shelf too and at $9.95 is the best burger option in town, imho.
  3. I agree-haven't had to worry about any Super Bowl shirts from any year this millennium.
  4. Had that same thought. Electrical current cannot be seen and therefore when trying to help someone who is electrocuted can end up killing both people. This is a terrible tragedy and one that a family will suffer and grieve forever.
  5. Likewise, and when I think about what could have been had I parked all of that cash in brk.a, well, I never wanted to be a gazillionaire anyway.
  6. This is absolutely correct. When Ed was married to Vickie, the occupancy rates were 95%, parking was free after 5pm, and Sundance was an outstanding destination.
  7. pch

    Texas BBQ

    I am and when in Austin, I do. But also enjoy Interstellar.
  8. pch

    Texas BBQ

    I miss the days when you could show up at 10:45 and be fourth in line for the 11am opening. Same thing that happened when Aaron Franklin was named #1. But still love the quality and experience at both of these places enough to frequent them.
  9. Glad you came to. A lot of us never regain consciousness and lose the battle with the bottle. Your BAC tells me you qualify as someone who can't stop once you start drinking and you are correct to realize that you are now at a turning point. There are a lot of us here on this thread that are willing to share our experience which is not unlike yours in many respects. Feel free to message me if I can be of any help to you finding the solution to your alcohol problem.
  10. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Found this excellent when my friend and I did our barbecue run last fall. Definitely top 10/top 5 worthy in all offerings.
  11. Good for you zetjas. I was told by my first sponsor that the steps are in the order they are to achieve the following: clarity-1, sanity-2,accountability -3-9, responsibility10-12. I had none of these while drinking nor when I wasn't drinking but no sponsor and not working the steps. If you ever make it to Fort Worth, look me up at the Harbor Club on West 5th. I am there regularly most days at the 7am meeting and will buy you a cup of 90 weight coffee before the meeting starts with this caveat: We request a three minute time limit on sharing to allow as many as possible to participate!☺️
  12. Something about the eloquence in British accent when talking like a lower class hooker makes it less improper imho. Laughed until my sides hurt and learned some new rather proper insults to boot.
  13. The closing scene makes it hard to believe that Olivia Colman played both the Queen and this character, but what a talented actor.
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