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Everything posted by Dondrysdale1

  1. If that is the case Mack and Dre Bly will not lose this kid to aggie
  2. Sorry I saw a post on another board that had his article. The title of post had Fongd to LSU. Did not realize he didn’t put in picks yet
  3. The camp performance where he slapped the bag like a robot who had never done a bag drill in his life was a rivals event.
  4. Point made in Texas thread that he says Byrd and Brockermeyer favoring other schools as a favor to Elko his boy so a day grimes is Fong’d to another school Texas doesn’t have perceived momentum? Stretch?
  5. Ej jumped on Orangebloods and posted Quay was expected to be a commit again here soon.
  6. Gotta love the Green tab in the key below the chart to identify “potential NFL attrition” Do not see any names highlighted in green.
  7. So a Junior that is not even competing in the game is going to get air time to commit? Early signing day has really hurt that hat game dance bs.
  8. So Eric Young is moving to safety now? Remember he was a corner only , guess he had to move to safety for jaylon Jones promised spot at corner
  9. I know they run a ground attack but the QB for pleasant grove has the worst throwing motion I’ve ever seen.
  10. Demand is 6-1 at opening but is always 6-3 in aggy articles.
  11. I think it is the California back committed to UGA
  12. Teammates with the the100yd landlord right?
  13. his approach sucks. Trying to yank everything a mile. If he stays on that pitch he could drive it. Pulled off.
  14. Future Liucci Quote ”The aggys are really targeting tackles after being guard heavy in the last two classes. Aggy legacy or not I don’t think he was National championship winning ol coach Henson’s top priority at this time. It’s a head to head loss and tough to lose a legacy but the ags are looking for depth at tackle and Foster would not have helped there.”
  15. So they got two wins total out of that fisher trade and no postseason impact. Hey but they were part of a no hitter!
  16. Rivals article with Donovan Jackson goes in depth on recruitment. Aggy nowhere to be found. Texas, Tennessee, Domer, Ohio State, Tree and Georgia mentions.
  17. Because he is wr number 37 in an offense that doesn’t rotate or utilize their recruited depth effectively. Hey he got is 💰 to be there.
  18. https://mobile.twitter.com/brianmctaggart/status/1178788748244467713?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1178788748244467713&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.surlyhorns.com%2Fboard%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcore%26module%3Dsystem%26controller%3Dembed%26url%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fbrianmctaggart%2Fstatus%2F1178788748244467713%3Fs%3D20
  19. Needs to be hammered at all these writers trying to give trout the mvp.
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