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Focht Up

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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. Is Young participating in fall camp? It seems like he'd need to do that if he even remotely wants to play this year. If he's not working out with the team, I don't know that we would want to see him playing this year. In a pinch, there's always Whittington.
  2. This strategy also applies well to omelettes, imo.
  3. Could someone please translate this into English?
  4. Focht Up


    Serrano's has a very good tortilla soup, in case you're into that. It's the only thing I order when I go there.
  5. The perfect aggy football player would have to weigh at least 350 lbs.
  6. Let's hope we don't have a true freshman starting at center.
  7. I love how they assume the games against the Mississippi teams are automatic wins.
  8. If we land Dewberry, they're going to have a bit of a meltdown. Would be fun to watch.
  9. Correct. All of our OL are overrated, and all of theirs are underrated. Criminally!
  10. It comes from idiots like Loochie/Brawnie/Tarp. Their subscribers believe every word of their bullshit. I find it to be very entertaining, but one wonders why they continue to believe the exact same wishcasting year after year.
  11. Fucking LOL at them crowing about their OL recruiting. What could have happened to the great Jimbo's power moves?
  12. Focht Up


    Their quesadillas are sensational - very different from any quesadilla I've ever had.
  13. So he has a wonderful time watching his team lose yet again. Got it.
  14. Then Strong arrived and brought in Alex Anderson and Eli Rodriguez.
  15. Yeah that's a great burrito, imo. It's definitely in my rotation.
  16. I recall when Baker was managing the Cubs, they got into sort of a feud with the Astros, where they threw at us a few times. They even plunked Oswalt one time, if I remember correctly.
  17. It's all part of the "sec grind". There's never a moment to rest!
  18. Could it be that he doesn't want to live among hardcore racists? Nah...
  19. Focht Up


    Botticelli's has permanently closed. Kinda sucks.
  20. Ej looks very happy there. He looks like he's thinking "what the hell have I done".
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