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Focht Up

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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. The difficult truth is that Tim Brando doesn't have the integrity to be impartial; he can't hide his hatred of UT if he tried. I wouldn't mind beating his face in.
  2. I think we can say peanut butter goes well with damn near everything.
  3. Yes, he's very proud to be on the scout team at Florida.
  4. It would be nice if secsec coaches would declare whether or not they want to be there, BEFORE the game starts. What a joke.
  5. That bacon is not overdone - looks perfectly crispy to me.
  6. Oh look, another saintly, butt-hurt dodgers fan, giving us statistics. Yawn.
  7. To be aired at 6:30 on KPRC. I'm going to try to stream it.
  8. For what it's worth, Vanessa Richardson said there are a couple of bombshells in the interview.
  9. I had one yesterday. I added grilled japs and green chiles. Was very good.
  10. Trading him to the Reds was the stupidest move the team has ever made. Great player.
  11. Yet another one. The Astros are obviously still cheating! https://foxsportsradio.iheart.com/content/2020-10-09-its-obvious-the-astros-are-still-cheating/
  12. Here are some more delicious tears, for your enjoyment: https://www.theringer.com/mlb/2020/10/8/21508698/astros-alcs-appearance-oakland-as
  13. Thanks for posting that. I enjoy reading stuff like this so much. The tears continue to flow.
  14. No. You can only say stuff like that if it is anti-Houston.
  15. I had the green chile double. Sub in Texas Toast and jalapeno ranch, add in grilled japs and regular diced onion. Pretty awesome lunch.
  16. This article made me smile. Los Angeles still crying a river, three years later. https://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgers/story/2020-10-05/column-astros-dodger-stadium-hernandez
  17. No. Not in this ridiculous "conference" that we are in. That's painfully obvious.
  18. It's seems absurd that we continue to prop up the big 12 conference, when the conference hates us. We need to correct our mistake by going elsewhere, and let the remaining turds die on the vine. I don't care if it's the PAC, B1G, ACC, or SEC. Anything but Big 12. Until that happens I no longer give a shit what happens on the field.
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