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Focht Up

Legacy Members
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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. Fantastic work, I needed a good laugh. Props to you
  2. That's right. Get your hopes up really, really high.
  3. Driving down Brody the other day I noticed Whitfields is gone. Did they go out of business, or just move to another location?
  4. "not everyone participates in every practice and the proven guys get a day off here and there" I see they are fostering an attitude of entitlement. Nice!
  5. And since the Sec! is a LOS league, they will be winning championships in no time
  6. I was on 6th street yesterday and there was a group of 3-4 kids on scooters driving on the street, occupying 2 lanes. And they were driving very slowly to clog up traffic. I don't understand how anyone could be that stupid; seems pretty dangerous to me.
  7. We could have a few DBs from the great class of '18 turn pro after their third year (almost certainly Sterns) , so we need to be reloading.
  8. They are fighting the war against themselves when, every morning when they wake up and realize "oh fuck, I'm an aggy, and I have to pretend to be proud of it".
  9. I refuse to believe that. Jimbo is still at the helm, and that dude can do no wrong. He's an elite recruiter, you see.
  10. Apparently, if a guy started at least one game last year, he qualifies as championship caliber. That's aggy logic of course.
  11. As it is, the narrative is "Jimbo is such a good recruiter he can recruit sec-ready players from anywhere in the country."
  12. The shops at Legacy has a few decent places. Fireside Pies used to be one of regular stops. They serve an awesome Moscow Mule.
  13. "so their worthless lives are miserable." Holy shit he's taking their narrative to a new level, and it's a little disturbing. They never cease to amaze.
  14. Wait...I thought they weren't allowed to lie or cheat. What happened to that?
  15. Let me guess. You attend Milton's high school, and he was wearing a Longhorn shirt today. Just say yes and we'll believe you.
  16. But Sloneal did so well against NC State!
  17. That's a great way to train. His quads might be a tad sore for a couple of days.
  18. Does anyone know of a way to view Astros games on attsportsnet without having Directv or Uverse? This sucks a bit.
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