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Focht Up

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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. Sounds like we need to get Milroe to work on getting Wheaton on board.
  2. It would be cool to have a closer that is actually good.
  3. I remember walling as a good clutch hitter, and especially what he did against the Dodgers in the playoffs, getting game winning hits in 2 games in the series.
  4. "But he's not likeable at all. He comes off arrogant and fake...
  5. Brauny: "That hasn't come from Xavion or any of my sources." Now that is some great reporting. Loochy: "it's well known on TOS that Elko gives Wilfong intel". So he's using another aggy message board as a source. Great idea.
  6. Can we get Mac McWhorter to come by and give Herb Hand some guidance also?
  7. I got some lunch at Mickelthwaite's yesterday (brisket and the frito pie). The brisket was dry AF, and the frito pie had a weird flavor. very disappointing.
  8. Opposing viewpoints will not be tolerated. Signed, Ministry of Information
  9. wtf is that guy in the white jacket and visor doing there? Whatever it is, it could be more geeky.
  10. LOL @ Brauny - a true douche. Did he call someone "kiddo"?
  11. They have decades of experience in making excuses, so they are fairly good at it.
  12. It's awesome that they use Sloneal as a comparison to show that Bijan is slow.
  13. Focht Up


    I had this for lunch yesterday, excellent as always.
  14. "while they fill up on 2021 bread". You gotta be shitting me.
  15. thread title should say 2021 ath
  16. Holy shot this is pure gold. Thanks for posting.
  17. Holy shit, when the roller coaster goes off the rails it's going to be glorious
  18. I respect anyone who sees aggy for what it is (racist), but Arky isn't that much better.
  19. Aggy never ceases to provide entertainment with their cult-driven commentary. LOL at prosperdick for thinking we give a shit about their "event". Maybe they'll get a few more 3-stars. And they are now celebrating a *visit* from Evans. Because that's cause for celebration. Enjoy the butter soup.
  20. They would have said no to Stone? That's fucking hilarious.
  21. Tarp has to be regarded to try to spin it that way.
  22. He's just doing what he is required to do as a cult member.
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