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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. To be fair to democrats, when you're as corrupt as the fucking GOP and most of your members lack critical thinking skills, it's a lot easier to keep people in line.
  2. You're referring to republicans right? Or the media? I'm shocked democrats don't have $100 million in dark money ads putting Trump's corruption on blast. Wtf?
  3. Also, I'd have to think well drawn up articles of impeachment paired with a ton of attack ads would cause permanent political damage to Trump and the GOP. Schiff has proven their case. Give it to the american people in the plainest terms in articles of impeachment--let McConnel do whatever traitorous shit he wants-- and then move on to 2020.
  4. TThere would be zero republican votes for censure too. Don't kid yourself. But still might be the way to go to avoid dragging this out and fatigue pushing people away from removal. The problem is that this conduct--jeopardizing national security and disobeying the law to compel a foreign leader to damage your political opponent--is abosolutely deserving of removal. I
  5. Seems like they can impeach on the Ukraine stuff while continuing to pursue evidence of other crimes. The corruption of this President--and the degree to which he has made people just accept it--is absolutely staggering. i think the frog in a water slowly coming to a boil here is accurate. If you were to go back to everyone's state of mind in 2015 and dump everything Trump is proven to have done on them all at once, their head would explode. But there's this pattern of (1) something shocking coming out, (2) denial, denial, denial, (3) obfuscate, obfuscate, obfuscate, (4) deflect/distract, (5) suppress criticism and (6) move on with the behavior normalized. On step 5, you can see it this go around with the attacks against Mitt Romney following some public criticism. Two months later, he's having lunch with Trump to make sure he's in line. It's all insane and I don't know how to respond anymore, other than support politicians willing and able to attack it, and vote.
  6. I think it was circumstantial evidence actually. If anything gives me hope, it seems like for every EMAW, there's someone who has been paying attention and the experience of Trump has reawakened them to our values.
  7. It's definitely different. I don't know. I kind of like it. As a business strategy, it seems like they could have been edgy while still appealing to the mass market for trucks. Don't see many guys driving f-150s going for it.
  8. Schiff's closing today. Probably posted up thread but reposting because this should be a rallying cry through 2020. Just don't forget that Trump is not the disease, just a symptom. You need to get rid of whatever rot allowed such corruption to come to power. We are better than that.
  9. But it wasn't out there for all to see and the country said "okay, cool." This is much different.
  10. After Trump is acquitted, we have a president above the law. That's dead to me. Maybe it comes back to life but I'm not hopeful with Joe Biden or Pete Buttigieg leading the charge.
  11. Bad but not crime. Didn't go through with it. He didn't have corrupt intent. Republicans will run with those three lines...ramp up the propaganda machine and he's acquitted. Democracy does indeed die in darkness. And these are dark times.
  12. Thanks. So slight downtick but it doesn't account for the last week, including Sondland. The facts are damning and show a clear abuse of power. If this is not impeachable, then nothing is. They can manipulate 50% of the population to allow him to get away with anything. Trump won't be around forever--he's proably more likely than not to be voted out in 2020----- but whoever comes next will have the same playbook possibly without the baggage. The combination of Fox News, social media and decline of traditional media means objective, collectively accepted truth is no longer possible. These are very scary times. Everyone should be terrified.
  13. Probably. There is a strategy available to just move forward and roll everything up into the obstruction. My main point was that if this was the democrats entire case, they would be fine moving forward. Bolton will have a lot to say and probably has a lot memorialized. I just don't know how long it's going to take for that to resolve itself. There's benefit to not dragging it on too much. In any case, Schiff and Goldman have done a masterful job prosecuting this.
  14. Are there any witnesses scheduled for next week? If they wanted to go straight to articles of impeachment after this, these would be nice closing witnesses. Highlight the national security implications. There's a treasonous aspect underlying the bribe, for sure.
  15. Yes. His emphasis on the announcement and not the actual investigation also shows he didn't care about the alleged corruption or expected I to go anywhere. An investigation without the politically valuable announcement would not have been enough.
  16. He confirmed the explicit quid pro quo relating to the military aid at the end their right?
  17. Why not just let a private company make its own damn decisions? No one's eating there for the homophobia. And they're continuing to maintain a commitment to charity, including fighting homelessness and hunger. Doing good without bigotry apparently not good enough for Christian conservatives.
  18. I didn't follow this that closely. Edwards seems like a pretty effective governor but a lot of this is a rejection of Trumpism. People are wising up to his fraud. One can hope. This description of Rispone's campaign from WaPo made me gleeful. Rispone campaigned as a staunch conservative who would restore “Christian values” to the state. He vowed to crack down on illegal immigration, threatening to step in as governor to prevent New Orleans from becoming a “sanctuary city.” New Orleans leaders have strongly denied that the city fits that label. “When I am governor, we will crack down — HARD — on every single criminal illegal and terrorist gang,” Rispone said in one newspaper ad. Besides Trump, one of Rispone’s top surrogates was “Duck Dynasty” star Willie Robertson. To get his message out, Rispone has spent more than $12 million of his own money on his campaign, flooding the airwaves with television ads. But his hard-charging campaign style has alienated some Republicans who believe he used unfair tactics against Abraham in the primary. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/in-louisiana-the-deep-souths-only-democratic-governor-seeks-reelection-as-voters-head-to-polls/2019/11/16/ef2557d0-07ca-11ea-924a-28d87132c7ec_story.html
  19. You now have two people on record saying the so-called "transcript" that Trump has told us to read a hundred times is inexplicably missing key details.
  20. More criticism. Barr and others trying to give an intellectual backbone to Trumpism need to go down with Trump. I wish more conservatives would stand up for this shit. They're making the same mistake as the Christian right, abandoning whatever principles you have for short-term political gain.
  21. R+4 district. Stefanik been there for a while. Would love to vote her out. Also, it seems significant that George Conway is now raising money for Democrats. I think the Dems should take a big tent approach and welcome all NeverTrumpers.
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