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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. Such dishonesty. The call is one party of an elaborate scheme to force Ukraine to support Trump. You need witnesses to understand where the call--the oresi Repeatingthis. Defeating Trump is not enough. Republican party needs to be held responsible for enabling this.
  2. Dems should invite Green shirt guy in for every session.
  3. This been posted yet? Shifting from the "this court is out of order" phase to the "yeah, I did it, so?" phase. Kennedy argued that there are two views on Trump’s actions: that he pushed for an investigation of a political rival; or that he pushed for an investigation of corruption in a country that has a history of missteps — and the request just happened to include the Bidens. Kennedy, an ally of Trump’s, said he expects the president’s lawyers to argue the latter during a Senate trial. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/growing-number-of-gop-senators-consider-acknowledgingtrumps-quid-pro-quo-on-ukraine/2019/11/01/72084a3e-fcc4-11e9-9534-e0dbcc9f5683_story.html John Neely Kennedy Ted Dickface Cruz Remember these traitors' names for the history books. And they both claim to be constitutionalists. Everyone should be outraged.
  4. That's a great speech for Warren. God we need her. I wish Bernie would see the writing on the wall and support the person most likely to deliver what he wants. Hopefully after the early states. The progressive base plus Warren's populist anticorruption message is a winner.
  5. Ha. I emailed them today telling him to drop out and endorse Warren. Glad he listened to the first part.
  6. Well done. I'm concerned about republicans seemingly superior ability to push a narrative--even a false one. If they can do that then the facts may not matter. Near 50% support for removal is encouraging though.
  7. Absolutely. I just don't think Bernie is the right person to bring it about.
  8. Absolutely. I just don't think Bernie is the right person to bring it about.
  9. It's really fucking ambitious but I think could work. She needs to build a movement to get significant majorities in Congress. If the GOP goes down with the SS Trump, it just might be possible.
  10. The only reason they got their money and there was no investigation announcement was because of the fucking Whistleblower who the GOP would string up on the Capitol lawn if they had their druthers. I don't know what's wrong with you. If you got dropped on your head as a kid or were born this dumb, but you seem to lack critical thinking skills and it's people that think like you--and those that exploit them for power--that are destroying this country. This is a fight for truth and willful ignorance like yours is the enemy.
  11. I don't see how they can carry on this process point forever. The evidence is going to come out in a dramatic way. And there's not really any evidence in Trump's favor that I've seen. There's Sondland making unbelievable claims like he didn't know Burisma meant Biden--and oh yeah, decorated veteran says Biden was discussed by name anyway.
  12. This is all about partisan politics. If it weren't for the GOP's partisan fellatio of Trump, you would have near universal support for removal. Fuck these guys. Traitors.
  13. Reminder that this is the stupidity we're up against:
  14. Even if it was a guy a with political motivations--if he hated Trump as much as I do--everything in his complaint HAS BEEN CORROBORATED. That aside, that article is pure speculation and speculation on speculation. That's probably not the guy. Meanwhile, his life is now in serious danger. I'm going to spend the rest of my life working against every fucking Republican I can. Starting next Tuesday here in Virginia. Kill this party. Traitors. Fuck them.
  15. Here it is. https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2019/10/30/whistleblower_exposed_close_to_biden_brennan_dnc_oppo_researcher_120996.html Political hit piece timed to distract from tomorrow. It's not even clear it's the right guy, just the most politically convenient scapegoat for the treason party. They're desperate. Also, I'm never visiting a RealClear site again. Partisan hacks.
  16. I think this pretty much guarantees a recession. Trillion dollar deficit? Hold my beer.
  17. Here's the explanation of the omissions. The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter. The rough transcript also contains ellipses at three points where Mr. Trump is speaking. Colonel Vindman told investigators that at the point of the transcript where the third set of ellipses appear, Mr. Trump said there were tapes of Mr. Biden. The relevant part of the transcript with the third ellipses: The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.
  18. This seems like a bombshell. The transcript has been held out to be an accurate record of the call, some say "perfect," and those are usually precise readouts. Hasn't it been reported that these are usually created from a recording?
  19. Thank you for this. I had a similar experience growing up. My parents were straight working class, able to advance themselves and our family through hard work and dedication. My Dad had a Union job, with good pay and affordable health care. I attended good but not great public schools. My mother was able to afford going back to college when my brother and I started elementary school to get her degree and become a teacher. Prior to my parents generation, their families were mostly dirt poor going back as far as I can trace--which isn't that far because poor people don't create a lot of records. What bothers me every day is that opportunities like my family had, which set myself up to advance even further in society, are more and more being closed off to those at the bottom half of America. Hard work and self-reliance don't mean much when you don't have opportunities to do anything with them. Garry Kasparov had a nice op ed a year or so ago with a line that has really stuck with me: "Talent is universal, but opportunity is not, and talent cannot thrive in a vacuum." I'm optimistic that a Warren administration will renew opportunity like my parents had.
  20. There. Were. Republicans. In. The. Room. Who. Asked. Questions. Fuck this stopping with Trump. This whole party needs to go away.
  21. This will come down to a political calculation for Senate republicans. It's clear they don't give a shit about their country so it's just going to be what makes it more likely they can hold on to power--or limit the losses of power. I think we're getting close to a tipping point there. In addition to Romney and some other moderates, we should keep an eye on republicans up for election in 2020 in possibly competitive states. If those Senators start publicly hedging their support for Trump, we're edging closer to a forced resignation/removal situation. https://cookpolitical.com/ratings/senate-race-ratings
  22. President Pelosi would be a political disaster. Put Pence up there and he'll be tainted and a lame duck immediately. About 10 republicans will jump in immediately to challenge him, with Cruz, Kasich and Haley the early frontrunners. If Dems coalesce behind Warren who then leads with her anticorruption message in the general, you're looking at a historic landslide.
  23. So we're pretty soon going to be faced with a situation where there is overwhelming evidence of the very sort of abuse of power impeachable offense that the founders contemplated and created impeachment for. Trump and his enablers' only move is to attack to the process and ignore the Constitution. He will also see himself both invisible after this and more motivated to cover up all of his crimes and corruption. If Senate Republicans do not flip to pressure resignation/remove him, this is it. We have a Trump dictatorship. There's no going back. Don't minimize what's at stake here. If you're considering taking to the streets, now's probably the time.
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