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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. Welp, if they deny it, what can you do? Now here, have some warplanes.
  2. I'm seeing a ton of them around DC and a trailer full on I-95 the other day. They've got a damn good product.
  3. To be fair to NBC, it's really fucking hard to understand what Trump is saying. Turning to a serious topic, I have zero belief this administration is capable of handling this shit with the Saudis.
  4. Why don't you say it? Write a response.
  5. That would actually be a winning strategy. Or a punch to the most punchable face in America. Save $38 million.
  6. This is good. Need to get the tv ads out.
  7. NY Times article about the money. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/12/us/politics/ted-cruz-beto-orourke-poll.html Apparently some Dems are complaining about it and Beto not redistributing to tighter races. The thing is, I gave $400 to Beto because I support him and his message and think it's good for Texas. Honestly, his message and style is more important than flipping the Senate. I didn't give it so Claire McCaskill can eek out another win in Missouri.
  8. Wish people would automatically see the facts regarding service of each candidate. Just take note of this shit. Every veteran should be outraged and the whole GOP needs to be held accountable.
  9. The fundraising is also a measure of enthusiasm. People who donate are also likely to vote and volunteer. I'm still reasonably optimistic. I think he made a mistake not attacking Cruz earlier but we'll see.
  10. Can we take the Texas/Cali debate somewhere else?
  11. He's not receiving PAC money directly. He has no control over super PACs but has distanced himself from them (see Linklater ad). He's doing the most he can to distance himself under existing laws.
  12. So now he has the money to do his big Field operation AND flood the airwaves. As we said a couple days ago, he doesn't have to run deceptive scare tactic ads to effectively draw contrasts with Cruz. 20 seconds of "Ted Cruz (1) absent from.the Senate (2) funded by big money." Then 10 seconds of "I'm.beto, running without PACs to represent all of Texas".
  13. Cruz attacked Beto for getting Avenatti's endorsement. Avenatti's been going after Cruz all afternoon.
  14. Well, it seems the Surly brain trust has decided it's time to go negative. Troph, could you let the campaign know?
  15. Yep and put himself out there as the alternative to all that shit. He needs to reset the narrative and has the $$$$ to do it. He's been smart so far so I'm sure they'll figure it out.
  16. Well, there it is. Nice effort Beto but Cruz is sure to win by double digits now.
  17. The guy's from El Paso and speaks fluent Spanish . Do you not think with that background he'd be in touch with the Latino community?
  18. Another Quinnipac poll out with Cruz +9. It seems to be consistently pro Cruz by about 3 pts over time though. Cruz is probably at about +6, which maybe explains dropping out of the CNN townhall. Part of me hopes that Beto takes a chunk of his massive fundraising haul and dumps it into Cruz attack ads. There's something in between all positive and Willie Horton ads. Like highlight all the outside spending and corporate money for Cruz or his absence in the Senate or taking stances that are bad for Texas. I don't see pointing out contrasts as abandoning Beto's ethos.
  19. This motherfucker can burn in Hell. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/10/us/politics/kavanaugh-immigration-supreme-court-case.htmlhttps://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/10/us/politics/kavanaugh-immigration-supreme-court-case.html He seems to really know what Congress was thinking back at 96.
  20. I think it'll be even more. Probably $30 million.
  21. Great! I'm going primary Cornym with my Christian conservative MAGA robot. Guaranteed to vote your interests. Can I count on your support?
  22. Should just replace him with a Robot that votes with the GOP and shuts down the government on occasion. Would be more likable anyway.
  23. Wow on generic ballot polls. That makes me have more faith in people. 3 more weeks...
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