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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. It's insane this has been a known problem and they did shit to fix it. It doesn't matter if it's user error or software, this sort of thing should not be happening.
  2. Has to this model been tested? Is it using Texas primary voting data?
  3. How are they determining no party affiliation?
  4. Who would have thought young people in Travis county would be so upset about how Kavanaugh was treated?
  5. Incredible that it's the democrats being labeled extremists.
  6. The caning of Charles Sumner got a lot of high profile praise. Unfortunately, the Civil War started a few years later. That's probably a sign of where we're at. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caning_of_Charles_Sumner
  7. 40 million views. 561k likes. Again, some nut taking him seriously was inevitable. The president is to blame here and all republicans are complicit.
  8. In legal terms, Trump was the but for cause of this terrorism. Without him and his rhetoric, these.bombs are not sent.
  9. That softball field was in my fucking backyard and every single person around here, most liberal democrats were outraged. Trump is guiltier than anyone for fomenting violence and he does so from the most prominent position in the world. There's a reason blame should be placed squarely on him. This was inevitable.
  10. Wonder how many times he attacked the bomb recipients/media or otherwise encouraged violence at that rally?
  11. So mentally handicapped, probably schizophrenic. Repubs are gonna go with the mental health angle. Unfortunately, most of the traits exhibited by this guy would apply to Trump and supporters.
  12. Yeah, this it. The back is the same. Whoever guessed MAGA UNC soccer enthusiast, you win.
  13. Meanwhile: https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/26/investing/stock-market-today-dow-nasdaq-amazon/index.html.
  14. MAGA bomber confirmed? False flag narrators went a little overboard with the stickers. Totally not believable.
  15. So there's a 12 point difference between Patrick v Collier and Cruz v Beto. Those have to be split ticket republicans, no? Seems like Beto could find 6% in new/unlikely voters to pit him over the top. How many would that be?
  16. Up here in Virginia we have the scantrons. It's reassuring to drop it into the scanner knowing there's a paper trail if something gets screwed up. Amazing -- or not, actually -- that when our elections are under attack Texas hasn't gone back to a less vulnerable system. Someone needs to film this happening to bring attention to it but I guess you don't know its going to happen til it happens.
  17. Missed a call from Quinnipiac earlier. Guessing they're polling thr Texas Senate race again.
  18. So Clinton over Trump was the fist time since 1964 that the Dallas Morning News did not endorse a republican for president. Definitely not a liberal rag. And along with the Chron's seems ssignificant. Hope the olds who still read newspaper pay attention.
  19. That endorsement is written to appeal to moderates and never trumpers. Looks like it was a close call for them. Good shit and very fair.
  20. What's their endorsement history? Do they endorse many republicans? Getting all the major newspaper endorsements has to be good for a slight bump.
  21. So CNN, what Trump would call the epitome of mainstream media, is sent a bomb yesterday and Trump responds this morning by blaming the mainstream media (i.e. CNN).
  22. Lot of close races. The chickens keep coming home to roost and you could see a blue Tsunami.
  23. That shit happens and I'll show you a fucking mob. I still see hope but thanks for the downer.
  24. And Tesla's profitable: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/tesla-turns-profit-victory-ceo-elon-musk-n924091 I'll vote visionary.
  25. I feel bad that I've just fully realized in the last few days that Hillary warned of all this shit and was right.
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