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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. I'm in Del Ray. Shit isnt cheap. Is the issue what she does in the interim? Once she gets a Congressional salary, she's good right?
  2. Sure. While we're at it, let's have doover of 2016.
  3. It's up to him and the sacrifice of family time must be gutwrenching but I think after taking time, he will see that America needs him and his message. His resume doesn't matter much, look at Lincoln, who btw, was a longshot when he decided to pursue the republican nomination. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/08/politics/beto-orourke-2020-democratic-presidential-race/index.html Another source described having "very initial discussions" with O'Rourke in recent weeks about the prospect of a 2020 bid and what it would take to scale a Senate campaign that operated largely on the candidate's own gut, without pollsters or a massive team of consultants, up to the national level. But the source said it's too early for O'Rourke to have made any decisions. Publicly, O'Rourke has flatly ruled out the possibility of a presidential run. "The answer is no," O'Rourke said at a CNN town hall in October when asked about the prospect of a presidential campaign. "Our children are 11, they're 10, and they're 7 years old. We've told them we're going to take these almost two years out of our life to run this race, and then we're devoted and committed to being a family again," he said. Pressed again, he said, "It's a definitive no."
  4. I'm absolutely certain Beto runs in 2020 now. He has a movement behind similar to what Sanders have and theres no establishment candidate everyone is backing to overcome. He can absolutely win. If I'm him I reach out to Bernie and offer to carry the mantle. They support a lot of the same core issues: campaign finance reform, universal healthcare.
  5. Happy Felony Friday! Junior indicted today? Roger Stone? Who you got?
  6. So we could end up with republicans picking up a single Senate seat and Dems netting about 40 house seats?
  7. I'm more to thinking Beto will head to Iowa. I like the idea of Governor or Lt Gov but that means sitting on the sidelines for 4 years. He has a good a shot as anyone in the crowded field and probably better than most. National profile, massive donor list, proven he can be competitive in red and purple states, retail politics style perfect fit for NH and Iowa. He would capture a lot of the Sanders support. I say go fo it. Seize the opportunity. Though I don't blame him if we wants to head back to Texas to just be a dad.
  8. Has Cornyn hinted at retiring at all? I don't think Beto could beat Cornyn but he could definitely take an open seat. I want him in the Senat too.
  9. Sounds like viewpoint censorship to me. This guy uses the constitution as toilet paper and the morons eat it up.
  10. Can we talk about MJ? Anyone know expected turnout in TX-31? CNN has her up 4K votes showing 60% estimated turnout, but their turnout estimates have been all screwy.
  11. What numbers are you watching? That'd be another nice silver lining to Beto's loss.
  12. ABC projects Dems win the house. Let's get those subpoenas printing.
  13. Yeah, I noticed that too. I expect it too tighten some. Cruz will probably win by 2% when the big urban counties come in. Beto got damn close.
  14. Going to be great when Trump has to resign because of Mueller and Ted goes back to full time Senator from running for President in Iowa. I'm still a Texan but glad I live in Northern Virginia right now.
  15. Do they make calls on exit polls? Beto has a lot of votes out there if the big cities follow the early voting margins.
  16. I'm not calling it for what it's worth. Neither is CNN. Regardless, Beto built a democratic party in Texas. Dems will win some congressional seats tonight because of him.
  17. Does seem early to call it.
  18. It seems like all of the Cruz counties are trickling in and the big Beto counties are on hold: Dallas, Travis, Harris, El Paso...
  19. I don't think we've seen any election day votes from either. I'm still puzzled by what the hell Nate Cohn was tweeting about.
  20. This isn't over yet. Cruz's lead is about 75K votes. Election day vote in Travis county alone makes that up.
  21. Lubbock county in. 66-33.5. 2016 was 66-28-4 (GJ). So basically Beto picked up the Gary Johnson voters there. Cruz takes a lead, but it's basically from election day totals coming in from smaller counties. I want to start seeing election day from Dallas/Travis/Harris/Bexar and El Paso.
  22. NYTimes seems behind. The CNN live update is better right now. Still not seeing a lot of election day. When does that from big cities and rural usually come in?
  23. There goes Montgomery County. Beto still up. Would like to see more of the election day tallies coming in. It looks like that's mostly only from tiny counties right now?
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