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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. I think the 70% is based on a turnout estimate. If the estimate is wrong, then the percentage doesn't mean much.
  2. Where are these numbers from?
  3. All that matters on a national level, with the Senate off the table, is House Judiciary subpoeana power. If I can get that and Beto, I will be happy.
  4. Turnout is huge there. And as far as Cruz catching up. I beleive what we've seen is the early vote come in for big counties first, followed by early vote plus from the rural counties. Plus Houston and El Paso outstanding. Anyone following this really closely know how Beto's doing against benchmarks? How's turnout estimates looking?
  5. We should see Harris at 8 pm?
  6. Wow. Something else to watch is the difference between Texas Governor and Senate. Those are basically the cross-over republicans.
  7. How does 75-25 in Travis compare to Trump Hillary? What's the easiest way to cross-reference 2016 results?
  8. I assume the Texas vote is early vote from certain counties? Splitting Tarrant county early vote, that's good right? I'm relying on NYTimes race tracker.
  9. That map has none from Austin yet. Wish CNN would zoom in on some GOP counties in Texas to see what's going on there.
  10. Nah. Most of Broward and other big dem counties still out.
  11. Germans said the same about Hitler. Trump is a piece of shit and you're one for supporting him. You can't disassociate yourself from him. That's who you are and who every republican who hasn't disowned the GOP is. Just like everyone who supported Hitler is a Nazi, even if they didn't turn on the gas. I hope you have multiple aneurisms tonight when Beto wins.
  12. Yeah, cause a despicable piece of human garbage isn't getting elected President tonight.
  13. Love these stories: Fuck it, I'm drinking all the Koolaide. Beto wins, Heitkamp's wins, Dems take Senate 52-48. Pick up 50 seats in the house.
  14. DC for Beto watch party then home to watch results the rest of the night.
  15. At least the story had a happy ending?
  16. Abilene gonna Abilene. Anyone know why Reporter News didn't endorse a Senate candidate?
  17. Eh, I'm gonna keep my faith in humanity for a while longer.
  18. Either on here or another thread, someone said 125k was the non-canabilized projection. On track to hit that in which case, if statewide, Ted's toast imo.
  19. What a dishonest piece of shit.
  20. I appreciate the efforts but if your math has Beto down by 300k votes in the largest counties through early voting, something is seriously off. Wouldn't that be significantly underperforming Clinton/Trump?
  21. My sister in law works at Amazon. They have the first ever company wide "all hands" live streamed meeting with Bezos on Thursday. So this should be offcially over then.
  22. Do moderate republicans really give a shit about guns? Opposing any and all gun regs isn't what I think of when I picture a moderate republican.
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