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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. Just took tomorrow off to phonebank. I'm in DC so that's the best I can do. With other races tightening, Texas may decide the Senate. Let's do this.
  2. If Cruz loses, he's done politically. If anyone still needs a reason to vote Beto...
  3. The national following he's gotten has been incredible. If he wins he'll be the biggest political rock star Dems have. I want him to serve out his full term but he's going to have a lot of influence within the party.
  4. Why don't we get through Tuesday before picking apart his campaign? If he wins, then he'll have done every fucking thing right. I don't need Karl Rove to tell me Beto should have done more to appeal to Rove's family, or organizers who have been failing to get Texans to vote in election after election how he should have done his GOTV.
  5. Aren't we just shy of 5 million right now? 8 to 8.5 mil seems realistic.
  6. Isn't 6 to 6.5 million off by about 2 million votes?
  7. Yeah. That article seems clueless about every aspect of this race. Lazy journalism.
  8. I wore a Beto shirt to a Lyle Lovett/Robert Earl Keen concert here in Northern VA a couple weeks ago. Had about 10 people come up to me and say nice shirt and that they hope he wins. Robert Earl Keen did a double take and gave me a thumbs up .
  9. Only mob I see today. File under every accusation is an admission.
  10. Im fairly optimistic we can make a lot of progress in ending gerrymandering in this next redistricting cycle. Obviously in states with split control this should happen but even were Dems have the opportunity to gerrymandering, I think they'll be pushed to draw fair districts. There's a lot of overlap between the end gerrymandering crowd and Dems pushing other structural reforms like campaign finance reform. See Beto.
  11. They're running against each other. One sang the national anthem, one did the coin toss. No endorsement of either.
  12. Who would've thought that Ted's mom outing him as a Socialist would be how this would end?
  13. Dems take House and Senate, Beto wins, Trump resigns within 6 months.
  14. New Fire Ted Cruz PAC ad. No Link later but all Donald calling Ted a liar and looks like they made it for TV.
  15. Lol. Another project veritas special. I bet Beto waited for Cruz to make an ass of himself before responding. Nice move.
  16. Neither of those are as clear as you just said, which is the problem of textualism. Plain language is never plain. Heller and the longstanding understanding it overturned shows that.
  17. This reminds me some of the movement that led to Heller redefining the 2nd Amendment to protect an individual right to bear arms. A lot more ground work had been laid there but there are similar originalism arguments for the 14th to overturn 150 years of precedent and an earlier Supreme Court case. The thing about originalism is you often have your pick of original interpretations so it can be a vehicle for activisim. Here they'll focus on "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" to exclude undocumented immigrants. It's not a totally far fetched argument, though it goes against mainstream legal thinking. That the second amendment protected an individual right also went against mainstream legal scholarship and we know how that turned out. Both the majority and dissent in Heller relied on originalist arguments. There's also a lot of dumbing down in the media of what Trump would actually do with an EO. It wouldn't change the 14th amendment. An EO would setup a legal challenge that could eventually lead to, depending on your views a reinterpretation or clarification of the 14th amendment. It's just like states passing laws to test Roe. There may be other issues with executive power and if an EO is contrary to a statute providing for birthright citizenship but those are different issues than this idea of changing the constitution by EO. Trump, or at least his handlers, know that's not possible. The policy of birthright citizenship is also a lot more complicated. Birth tourism is clearly problematic but the certainty birthright provides is important. Eliminating birthright citizenship would drastically expand the number of people who, like the dreamers, are American in every day but under the law. That's a big problem.
  18. You serious? Manchin in trouble? He's up by like 12. You're not paying attention at all.
  19. Seems like theres a trend back to democrats in the close Senate races? I can haz Senate majority?
  20. Heidi. She could finally get that second house.
  21. Get ready for some good ol not activist at all textualism and originalism doing some work with "subject to the jurisdiction thereof".
  22. So a lot of Jews in Pittsburgh are begging Trump not to come, or at least wait, and he's coming anyway: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/10/29/he-is-not-welcome-here-thousands-support-pittsburgh-jewish-leaders-calling-trump-denounce-white-nationalism/
  23. https://www.propublica.org/article/reports-of-voter-intimidation-at-polling-places-in-texas
  24. https://www.propublica.org/article/reports-of-voter-intimidation-at-polling-places-in-texas Remind me again which side is the mob?
  25. I hear he likes it with peas. That's what people are saying anyway.
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