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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. He's very close. Nate Silver was in an article a day or two ago talking about how the media is fucking no up polling again. In his model, Beto went from 1 in 3 chance to a 1 in 5 chance in the last month or so. That's not that huge of a change but the media narrative has been Beto is done. What is 7 points in terms of votes?
  2. This is another thread but I don't think that's a fair take on the Muslim Brotherhood. I find it suspicious the narrative you just gave is being pushed by the antimuslim right.
  3. Thanks but won't play for me. Oh well. Not being able to say something nonpolitical about either your opponent OR yourself is all anyone needs to know about Ted Cruz. Hope Beto's getting him some Whataburger.
  4. Anyone have a clip of Cruz's nonpolitical thing about yourself response?
  5. Can we discuss the fucking debate? Jesus Christ. I agree Cruz being stumped by the "tell us something nonpolitical about yourself" was a major gaffe. It'll probably be the story of the debate. Those sorts of things are all these debates are good for.
  6. Some light editing will make that great. Show him getting stumped then cut to his attempt at an answer of missing his daughter's basketball game. Cruz didn't look great. I thought Beto could have bee more effective on the attack. He had the right lines but didn't nail them. He should have come back to "Lyin' ted" repeatedly and thrown in a "There you go.again, c'mon, Ted."
  7. I'm pretty sure I was better off two years ago without dotard as President. Thanks, Ted.
  8. I don't think this is the way it's going but if you wanted to eliminate a free press, you would first delegitimize them. Then when you start on the censorship no one cares.
  9. Very encouraging. Especially VA-10 and KS-3.
  10. We need a few of them circling and buy up some stationary billboards. How can I give money for this?
  11. He seems good at attacks. Let's see what happens but I worry he waited too long.
  12. Is the less native than average person fact true? Sounds like disinformation to me. Link for that?
  13. You haven't been paying attention. They would have kept at it either way. "She admits she lied about it!" "Her whole life is a fraud."Truth doesn't matter to the GOP anymore.
  14. So they're not fully confident Cruz has this. I still find it a little hard to believe that Trump could be a net positive for Cruz. Hope to see a lot of Trump tweet billboards. Maybe an airplane banner?
  15. Assuming she did knowingly misrepresented her heritage -- and all evidence suggests the opposite that she honestly believed what she claimed -- why is that significant when we have Trump who lies every other sentence? What the fuck is wrong with you that you can maintain this kind of hypocrisy?
  16. Quit lying. This is birtherism. it's a made up story to undermine a political opponent.
  17. This is birtherism/long form birth certificate all over again. Fuck you, you dishonest fucks.
  18. I hope they do booger eating next. "You ate a booger? On TV? Come on, Ted."
  19. New Fire Ted Cruz/Linklater ad:
  20. You realize it would be nearly impossible to find academic work that hasn't been criticized by other academics. That's what they do. The process and iterative thinking moves us closer to answers. And that Atlantic article is from 2010.
  21. Is there any evidence she used this to advance her academic career? She had a damn impressive legal academic career highlighted by significant contributions in bankruptcy. This is just the "make someone's strength into a weakness" tactic.
  22. So my wife is an 8th generation Texan. Traces back to Spanish family that came from the Canary islands. She has as much of a relation to them as Warren does to the Cherokee but no one questions my wife when she claims that lineage. Give it a fucking rest and Trump owes a million to a charity. But good luck with that.
  23. Not sure if anyone in that painting would be at the table other than Trump. Teddy, GHWB, Lincoln and Ike wouldn't be within 10 miles of this monstrosity. Is this by the guy that painted Obama trampling the constitution?
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