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Everything posted by horncyclist

  1. Once the next ndictments start and house investigations, Trump will lose it. Heart attack, 25th amendment, resignation. Take your pick He's clearly deteriorating.
  2. Drain the swamp. Promises made, promises kept
  3. I think this is the beginning of the end for Trump. He'll be gone by April.
  4. Hrmm. Maybe I just need to bring the smoker. Or roast it.
  5. Smoked a turkey last year and it came out great. Plan to do the same this year but am going to be at a cabin and would like to smoke at home the day before and then reheat/finish in oven. Any thoughts on this?
  6. Exciting that Colt is getting an opportunity to prove he can be a starter in the NFL. He"s certainly earned it. Really pulling for him. Sucks for Smith.
  7. Can we get off this stupid Texas versus California shit?
  8. More Beto2020 speculation. This discussing how a lot of big Dem donors are waiting to see what Beto will do. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/19/beto-orourke-2020-democratic-primary-995353
  9. The level of leaked detail is insane. Power play by the CIA?
  10. Bizzare to see nongerrymandered districts.
  11. Good riddance. May justice be fair. Now on to the serious business.
  12. This needs Curb theme over it staring after the question
  13. horncyclist


    Live feed of Mattis on the border talking military jargon about using "fast ropes" (helicopter descents) and drones to stop the Caravan on Washingtonpost.com right now. What a joke.
  14. What percentage of these need to count, and what margin to Abrams, for a runoff to happen?
  15. I've been waiting for this. They have a good 1A argument.
  16. So Nate Silver commented on the danger in attempts to delegitimize election results. I've been shocked by this as well. It's not partisan spin but outright lies from Trump and otherr republicans. Read the responses to Nate's tweet. It's terrifying.
  17. I think if he runs he's either the nominee or is able to make sure he's on the ticket. He's set himself up to lead a movement like Sanders in 2016 but without having to overcome the establishment heir apparent.
  18. The last 48 hours have been incredible even by Trump's standards. Imagine if Obama--or any previous president--had blamed disaster victims or missed ceremonies commemorating WW1 and honoring all veterans.
  19. What's really interesting is it Nelson somehow pulls it off in Florida and the racist loses in Mississippi, then republicans end up with a net gain of 0. With that map, that's incredible.
  20. With the right ticket, including Beto, Texas is absolutely in play. And he brings his field organization and donor base.
  21. The level of dishonesty by republicans is shocking. Has it always been this bad or is this the Trump effect? Like this from Newt Gingrich. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/newt-gingrich-as-democrats-try-to-steal-elections-their-dishonesty-threatens-the-very-fabric-of-our-country In Arizona, you can bet that many of the 400,000 mail-in ballots still outstanding will turn out to be non-existent or cast by illegal immigrants – or simply made-up by the election officials in two of the state’s most liberal counties. Already, the Arizona Republican Party has alleged that left-wing election officials in one county destroyed evidence related to early voting irregularities.
  22. Yeah. I realized that after posting.
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