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Everything posted by GhostofDanJones

  1. Longboard dropping gold lately
  2. Is anyone still left on shaggy? Better question, does anybody over here on surly still post on the shag?
  3. Fuck no she's ugly and annoying. Pass on that ass.
  4. Fuck that cock sucking piece of shit mother fucker.
  5. Patrick Wayne was more of a soldier than any of the gomers.
  6. The fake army invades Disneyland. The comment section is making me lose brain cells.
  7. aggy considers this kid a national hero
  8. He won't last long. Let's see who Jen will fuck in order to keep Bert around the pats organization.
  9. aggy is like the guys that never seem to comprehend that people are laughing at them, not with them.
  10. I had a few friends go off to UH for college. However, they were all Hotel/Restaurant Management majors so it was good fit.
  11. Damn beat me to it. But yes, avatar definitely checks out.
  12. Fun fact about that chant: I had an aggy tell me once that TCU stole the chant from them because of a corps/yell leader transfer. Of course I don't believe any of that bullshit.
  13. It's just jibberish. Nobody knows what it means. If I'm not mistaken, (TCU grads on here will have to correct me if I am) it was a chant that started in the 1920s and was an excuse to say hell as a swear word on a christian campus.
  14. How big was the rivalry with them back in the day? I was born in the 90s and don't remember the SWC days. How did they get their nickname "Coogar High"? How did they choose the name Shasta for their cougar? Would they ever make it into the Big 12? Sorry for all the questions. Just wanting to know a few things about them since I don't know much.
  15. I see a few posts with the red raiders being referred to as sand aggy. Why sand aggy? I've only ever known them as the Yosemite Sams, Tortilla Tech or Tortilla aggy.
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