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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by totallynotabuttpirate

  1. Yep, the Browns game was pretty much the only guaranteed loss. The other 3 could've gone either way.
  2. Stop focusing on the first 4 games when the defense was historically shitastic. It got better in the second half and was certainly good enough to win 2 more games. Not only that, a good offense can help the defense. And where did I say Dak would have gotten 7 more wins? I said at least 2 more to win the division, probably 2-4. The beginning schedule was pretty brutal for a team with an entirely new coaching staff and covid limiting activities. You point to the first 4 games that were pretty brutal trying to break in a new oline as some sort of ceiling if Dak hadn't gotten injured. When it fact it was pretty much guaranteed to be the worst stretch for the team. The oline got better as the season progressed. Dak would've gotten more comfortable as well.
  3. At least. Steelers were playing like shit and practically begging to lose.
  4. They almost won the division with fucking Andy Dalton, with shitty coaching and poor construction of the team. Only Fisterman's poor anus would think Dak wasn't good for at least 2 more wins.
  5. lol, how many points did the defense give up in those games? The defense improved considerably in the second half of the season and they only finished one game back. If you think they don't win the worst division in the last 20 years with Dak, you're clearly being a futureman.
  6. They win it easily last year if Dak doesn't detach his ankle from his body.
  7. Nah, with Nolan and his garbage scheme gone they should be in the 17-20 range at least. The major improvement will be not giving up 35 points in the first half. Unfortunately with Quinn, that will just be moved to the second half.
  8. I’m just thrilled we get another 4 years of fisterman’s lame trolling.
  9. I live dangerously and don't have a single poster on ignore. Just because I reply to one of your posts doesn't mean I'm signing up for a ten-page discussion of your nonsense lol.
  10. I'm not doing this shit again. The fantasy world where uneducated white rural voters come running to the democratic party because of their economic polices is not a world I live in. They're not leaving the party that uses fear and appeals to their sense of nationalism/xenophobia, and wedge issues like abortion, jesus, and guns. Also throw in a good dose of not having brown/black people take what rightfully belongs to them. These people have been voting against their actual interests for decades and that's not going to magically change.
  11. Also, you keep citing this one poll by the totally neutral "One Fair Wage Coalition" as some sort of inalienable truth that his constituents support raising the minimum wage. I'm gonna need to see some more data before I accept that conclusion.
  12. Nope, I know all about the history of democratic senators in WV. I was referring to the last 10 years or so and the foreseeable future. Notice a trend in the numbers you posted? Manchin went from +24 to +3 in 6 years. If you don't see where this is going and think Manchin has a good shot at reelection, I have a lightly used bridge over the San Fransisco Bay to sell you. If he gets primaried by a more liberal candidate, it will be a blood bath. Here's a few more for you: House Keep fucking that chicken, but I have some bad news for you, West Virginia is as likely to swing back to Democrats as is Jaylon Waddle transferring to Texas. A change in Dem messaging is not going to overcome the fact that it's the 3rd most rural population state in the country along with being last in education (using a number of metrics), etc.. etc.... They already receive the 9th highest amount of federal spending per capita. Maybe when were not in 50-50 Senate and moderates are not going to want to use a nuclear option?
  13. You can't really be this dense? Manchin is a democratic senator from West Fucking Virginia. He's a one-eyed lesbian unicorn. You can't fucking primary him and except anything more than a 15-20 point defeat. While you're at it, why not have Biden tell Manchin to go fuck himself if he doesn't support every part of his agenda? Yea, let's piss him off so he caucuses with the republicans and they take back majority control of the senate. That would be so much better than passing legislation that includes almost everything you want. If you can't have everything, then fuck it all right? That's an excellent idea that no one has ever thought of before! In other news, I would like to have sex with Scarlet Johansson. Yes, it's all mean ole Joe's fault that he doesn't force other adults to do exactly what he wants. Jesus man, you really are a beating bitching and moaning about shit that can't be unilaterally decided by any one person. The system sucks, I get. There should be no filibuster, it's terribly undemocratic. No single senator should have that much power. But as the saying goes, it is what it is. The votes aren't there to get rid of it. Why the fuck are you asking me something that takes 2 seconds to find? https://is.gd/OnmWu3
  14. Possibly, but the phasing negates an immediate impact. Voting rights, stimulus, and infrastructure would impact a lot more people immediately.
  15. Yes, he repeatedly stated he will not vote for it if the minimum wage is included. Is he bluffing? Maybe, but you also need to give him something to save face on with his insane constituents. Not only that, this is at least a 2 year play. You don't blow your wad in the first 60 days. Federal minimum wage legislation is far from the most important thing to ram through while pissing off people you need to support your agenda in the future.
  16. It's not about the overrule, the votes aren't there to pass the bill.
  17. It was and is a game changer. Ole turtle would've gridlocked everything for a minimum of 2 years. Don't be an idiot, they're going to pass a lot of good legislation. No one said the dems would get every single thing they want. Fucking entitled fucks bitching about not getting 10/10 they want. I'm good with 5 or 6 out of 10. Sure beats fucking zero under the turtle fuck....
  18. He doesn't have 51 votes to pass the minimum wage bill. You can't do something if it's not possible.
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