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Everything posted by AngryDragon

  1. Remaining votes are mail in and in Clark County which is heavily Dem. Should be pretty safe.
  2. Yup but we're going to be headed to the lawsuit portion of the election if those are the only states he picks up.
  3. Brisket was right and this country is even more broken than we thought. The ugliness is completely out in the open now.
  4. That's my takeaway from all of this too. Really hoped we would be better than this but it looks like we are who we are.
  5. Caddox doesn't like free money. That's only something Democrats like. He believes in Trump so much that he's willing to give up his Surly account that he doesn't post much on. It's incredibly meaningful to him. Just trust him.
  6. Sign me up for this version of the Democratic party.
  7. I'll just say much of the cultural awe has dissipated in our lifetime and is pretty much non-existent in certain Asian countries right now. If anything it's going back the other way at this point as countries like South Korea have exported much of their pop culture to other parts of the world. The whiteness is more about social hierarchy in the past. If you were dark it meant you were more likely to be a commoner/farmer status. "Whiteness" implied you had a higher social standing.
  8. They did build Toyota HQ here with a lot of transplants coming from Cali. I think much of that new voter 25% will tilt strongly blue.
  9. I hope you're wrong too. I just hope that the minority vote along with the white women vote will be enough to turn it that last 3% since the 2018 Senate election.
  10. They need to keep the Vietnamese at home unless it's the younger generation. The old generation overwhelmingly skew Trump for some unknown reason. They're the Cubans of the Asians.
  11. Woudn't be surprised to see Biden take a narrow win in Collin. Collin has a big minority population(Asians) and there's finally been an urgency to vote. Most of my social circle are college educated professionals who are voting for the first time this cycle.
  12. Correct. They actually have protocols in place to protect their citizens and let others visit safely. Mind blowing I know.
  13. International travel into Korea is not shut down nor has it ever been. You can go there tomorrow if you want to which is one of the few places we're allowed into right now.
  14. https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/texas-tech-red-raiders/2012/02/22/elderly-man-dies-four-months-after-car-crash-with-tommy-tuberville-s-wife/ She ran a red light...got no time. The Cincy move always felt like a head scratcher at the time.
  15. His wife also killed someone in Lubbock and they fled soon after.
  16. Really good article. Thanks for pasting it. They're correct about the Asians...most of my friends are voting for the first time this cycle(almost all UT grads and white collar professionals). We would skew left even more than the 18% but for some damn reason the Vietnamese immigrants vote R and don't bother to get educated.
  17. This is the sophisticated entertainment I come to Surly for.
  18. If there's a way to get me off the Dem train it's this. These assholes need to pay and EVERYTHING needs to come to light.
  19. At the Allen ISD service center. Plenty of booths available but took a while because they were only letting in a certain amount of people due to social distancing. They were moving the line pretty fast though.
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