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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. Jared Goff didn't know if the sun rises in the east or west, and he plays quarterback and went to Cal. If a DB from sand aggy high could play he'd get drafted even if he doesn't uhm like think there's other like planets and stuff.
  2. If you're a borderline guy like him, the biggest job interview of your life may not be the best time to have jokes
  3. It just boggles the mind that he thinks that story makes Hoyer look bad and himself look good And to paraphrase AI...practice?
  4. Ironically the best player to live in their attendance zone in recent years didn't go there
  5. Is that one of the broads he knocked up?
  6. Looks like he's from Maine of all places https://929theticket.com/2023-kvac-all-conference-class-a-and-b-baseball-teams-and-all-academic-teams/
  7. Looks like aggy lost out on a potential corps turd but alas with his academic limitations tech was apparently his dream school
  8. Game Cat FTW. Colored my stripes in black to be different than the 40 other kids that had them
  9. Brock should never have to pay for a drink in Austin again, if not all of Texas
  10. You spend an incredible amount of time on a board for a school you aren't a fan of
  11. And the fact that it was a teammates sister just classes it up, Tech style. * however per @slorch it's ok since it was in the Bahamas or whatever the fuck. Wasn't it a foul on Abmas?
  12. Funny thing is the game has already taken up 4 hours of your day the following day getting pummeled on a Texas board. But Brock is the loser
  13. Maybe Drew Steffe would like to present his side of the story...any idea where he might be? So is the current one
  14. Wow that's some interesting mental gymnastics to perform to justify leaving him on the team. " Hey it wasn't as bad as Penn St or Baylor!" Amazing. Tech fans deserve each other. Nice to put such a disgusting place in the rear view. Hopefully LHN will show 57-7 soon again.
  15. Great response. Care to enlighten me? I just read about 6 articles that say the same thing...was she not drunk? Not 17? Are they in love? Tech's crack investigate team say he didn't do it? What's the real story here ? Edit : 😆 🤣
  16. Pop isaaacs git a 17 year old drunk and raped her while at a tournament representing your fine institution a couple moths ago and still plays basketball for your university. How bout you not worry so much about Brock Cunningham living rent free in your piece of shit fanbases heads and tell us how that's ok?
  17. Good riddance tech, go collectively fuck yourselves
  18. It’s understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate people like tech fans
  19. Fuck what this guy says, in the second clip Manziel is an absolute fucking pussy for this shit. If this even happened this way then blaming Hoyer for his own lack of preparation or work ethic is absolute bullshit. He flat out says aggy didn't make him accountable then the next clip how its the best school in America...gtfoh
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