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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Why you fucc bois gotta keep bumping this thread for no reason.
  2. Exactly. Its also hilarious to see people talking about what happens when Card dukes it out with Ewers who...you know...is committed to Ohio State because FUCK YOU TOM.
  3. I would like to end my time in this thread with these parting words: Fuck the Brockermeyers.
  4. I hear you, man. It has been that kind of decade. And I get where you're coming from in relating Shaka to Herman as far as results are concerned. I just can't relate a guy who I think is decent to Herman. But yeah, we're all frustrated. 2021 signing class sucked, football purgatory sucks, basketball purgatory sucks...pretty much the entire landscape of decision making over the last decade for the major men's sports, not to mention the Eyes fiasco and everything else.
  5. No he's not. Smart's not an arrogant, condescending asshole. He doesn't think he knows it all. He's a likeable guy. He's an easy guy to cheer for. I don't even mind that he's a player's coach. But at some point, you have to sit a Courtney Ramey down for doing dumbass stuff and he just won't do it. You have to hold guys accountable for doing whatever the hell they want, and he just continues to allow them to jack up threes and take ill-advised shots during important moments in the game.
  6. Shaka has had six years to prove he can take this program to the next level, and he simply can't do it. I understand all those calling for him to be axed, but it's not going to happen, because the guy can recruit and he's got us sitting in the top ten. Best case scenario if you're wanting a new coach is two years from now. I don't think he gets fired next year, especially if he makes the Sweet 16 this year (big if). Really frustrated with this program and feel like we're stuck.
  7. Baylor shot 52.4% from three. They've only shot that well against two other teams: ULala and Kansas State. But they’ve had many games in the mid -40% range. If they’re going to shoot like that, we’re not going to win. And yes, next year will likely be ugly.
  8. You guys can keep whining about Shaka but he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
  9. You suck, Ramey. Dumbest player we’ve had since I don’t know who.
  10. Yes, I do get it. Like I said, I don’t necessarily think you’re wrong. But we’ve hear it on repeat since Shaka got here. We are what we are. Shaka’s not elite. But I want to cheer on my team more than I tear down the coach.
  11. Look. We get it. Youve told us a millions times how you feel about Shaka. And it’s not that you’re wrong, it’s just that you’ve been on repeat for three years. But any of you expecting to win this game are a little nuts. We haven’t had our full team together in three weeks and Baylor is simply better than us. We don’t have an elite coach and we all know it. But winning this game right now considering the circumstances is a tough task. And also, Ramey still sucks and yes Shaka contributes to that.
  12. I have no expectations for a win tonight; I just want to see the boys play hard. They haven't fucking practiced together in 19 days and now get to play the #2 team in the country. So I'll be watching and hoping for the best, but really I just want to see them start to progress and get better as the conference tournament approaches. I'll be fairly shocked if they pull off the W tonight. Other than that, fuck you Big XII. This conference is the worst.
  13. Charlie Strong was the worst gameday coach I've ever seen at Texas. The worst. How quickly we forget.
  14. Don't really have an opinion on the matter. There are plenty who seem to love the new guy, but there were plenty who were lauding the last guy. I just find it humorous how we always go through this.
  15. Ah yes, it's that time of year when we shit on the outgoing strength coach and fellate the new one. Good times.
  16. To be fair, going from Stoops to a steaming pile of dog shit in 24 hours would have been fucking awesome. But good hire, regardless.
  17. I’m not thrilled that either our AD or new head coach came up with this idea. Someone is fucking tone deaf, and I can’t imagine it’s CDC after all this time. I consider this a major red flag and will be interested to see if we get any truth regarding its origins.
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