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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Fuck that guy and fuck you for starting a thread about his dumb ass.
  2. Next guy that quotes futureman we should all neg into oblivion
  3. If you guys think this is as bad as it gets, just wait.
  4. Well you got me there, Queen Bitch. Wait...Michelle?
  5. At this point I’ll be shocked if he takes the job.
  6. Seriously how is this guy getting so many minutes? He's awful.
  7. Someone tell me why Ramey is playing so much. Greg Brown looks lost.
  8. I like the potential of this team but I can't stand Ramey. His best move is charging the basket blindly, missing, then looking to the ref to bail him out. Sit his ass.
  9. Ahh, the stagnant UT offense. A tradition unlike any other.
  10. Under normal circumstances I would chalk this up as a loss, but we seem to have North Carolina’s number in a strange way.
  11. I know we're up by 17 and all... ...but we still look like we suck.
  12. I don't know what makes me more ragey. Texas longhorn basketball dumbassery or Bill Walton's announcing.
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