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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Listen I'm hardly on here anymore because I just don't give a shit about the team in its current condition. All I want to know is. What's the groupthink on Urban? We getting him or not? #yeahiknow #maybemaybenotmaybegofuckyourself.gif
  2. Wanna know what's really shocking? That @Kyrie Eleison is nowhere to be found, on the only thread that concerns his team.
  3. I hear what you're saying, but I'm still on the CDC bandwagon, UNTIL Texas loses its next game. If he doesn't fire Herman after that next loss, I'm done with CDC as well. I fully believe Covid bought Shaka another year. I think he was gone after last year if the season played itself out. I feel like CDC is a good AD who has been through a shit ton in the last twelve months. He was never going to get out of this squeaky clean. The Eyes, Covid protocols, all of it. Now football is a dumpster fire. There's a good chance he's replacing his top two revenue coaches this year. We'll find out what we need to know on CDC in the next few months.
  4. Our players don't know who the hell I am, nor do they care. I wouldn't expect them to. In my whole life, I've never met a fan of shit. This program is shit, and has been for almost a decade.
  5. Kiss my ass. I want Texas to lose their next game. I wanted them to lose to Baylor. I wanted them to lose to WV. Because that's what it's going to take to get us headed in the right direction. So you keep on with the smug "fuck you haters" bullshit that holds the program back. What holds this program back is Tom Herman. Until he's gone, we're headed in the wrong direction.
  6. Crying? I was looking for an explanation. Everyone else on here responded in quite civil fashion except for your dumb ass. Go back to fucking your mother.
  7. Ok thanks. Can you tell me about Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, etc... Why did it take so long this year? Sorry, I just don't follow this stuff that closely.
  8. Voted Democrat for the first time in my life. Had to get Trump out of there. My only complaint is with the process. The fact that ballots are still being counted three days after the election lends itself to the optic of fraud, even if there is none. I'm going to have to listen to friends of mine for weeks scream about how every single state that was counted after election day went to Biden. I don't follow politics closely like many on here, and I think someone referenced that some states were not allowed to count early-voting ballots in advance, though I'm not sure why. Either way, he's gone. That's what matters.
  9. This is me almost exactly, except without the hestitation. He's gotta go.
  10. **checks in.** still there. **checks out.**
  11. I’ve taken the week off from Surly and plan on only dropping in occasionally because the TCU game made me realize I’m way too invested in this to be happy. So I come back and find we lost Bowman. Fuck Tom and fuck this pussy program.
  12. This is what gets me. The absolute lack of common sense. In the world of football, I’m sure Tom Herman knows plenty more than I do. He can run on and on about RPO’s and run fits and schemes and pretty much everything. Except common sense. When you get to the 1 yard line with 2 1/2 minutes left and you’re about to take the lead, you don’t go hurry up. You have Sam Ehlinger. You slow it down, make absolutely sure you’ve got the right call. And if the call is not “run Sam into the line 4 times” you have the wrong call. Herman has football knowledge. But it doesn’t translate because when called to make common sense moves, he can’t do it.
  13. I can’t do this anymore. I’ve watch the program sit in mediocrity for a decade and I don’t see us being relevant nationally again for another three years at least.
  14. I feel like teams catch more “barely in-bounds,” lucky as shit catches against us. Hmmmmm. Wonder why.
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