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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by NameAlreadyInUse

  1. Every person has some bright line boundaries. Me getting married was one of my dad’s. He was ok with me being gay but struggled with that. Him not going to my wedding was a bright line for me. When he told me he wouldn’t go I told him to have a nice life. It took him a month to figure out I was serious. He then got to make the choice for himself. At the wedding reception, he and I were talking and he let me know how shocked he was that this wedding was just a normal wedding, although way more stylish and classy and less tacky than normal. To this day I have no idea what he thought happened when gays tie the knot, but as he’d been a baptist for 60 years at the point, I’m sure it wasn’t anywhere close to accurate. 

    I don’t begrudge parents who need time to process. The time and place they grew up, their religion, their friend groups, the news they consume all have a powerful effect on people. What I do not forgive are those people who let all of those built in prejudices keep them away from their children in the long run. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  2. 7 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    And that's fine, any one of us can make interpretations with people I don't agree with and hear it the way I want. I answered it in a very matter of fact manner.  Of course it would change my mind - I would challenge you to find a single persons mind that it wouldn't change.  Same thing with your asthma example, people that are racist until they fall in love, people who hate gays/black/white/trans until they make a friend with them, whatever, the examples of real world events changing someone's mind are limitless.  

    But I'm confused why you were saying that you didn't say it, when you were able to remember you said it just fine in response to my post.  No one had to even go looking for it, because you repeated it for us all.

    And yes, lots of people change their minds when a thing hits them closely enough.  Seeing as how you were saying a few posts after mine that you looked forward to your grandchildren arguing with other people's grandchildren about this same issue, I think I'm pretty clear that your position is that nothing should change.  Which just means it hasn't gotten close enough to you yet.  Some of us have to burn our hands on the stove, first, I guess.  

    I hope that you find the place to compromise before your kid's get shot or before you lose the protection in government that's keeping you where you are now.  One of those two things is likely to happen, and neither of them will be good for you.

    Finally, I'm not 100% sure that I've even stated my position on this topic, aside from the idea that absolutists need to be ready to not be absolutists before they lose power, because they won't like the outcome if they weren't willing to work in good faith with the people who are out of power.  I have guns sitting downstairs in my closet right now, in fact, so I'm pretty sure that whatever position you think I have, you are incorrect. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    He asked me if my tune would change if my kids were mowed down.  I responded, of course, wouldn't anyone?    Any major life event can change your outlook.  That doesnt equal = wouldn't change mind until.  I certainly doesnt mean i dgaf about others children.  You can interpret however you want, I don't really care.  But the post is there to read. 

    See to me, when you say you have given it enough thought that you already know you would change your tune if your kids were gunned down, the only conclusion I can draw is that other people's kids don't matter to you, because you haven't changed your tune yet.  

    It reminds me of my family full of smokers.  I had asthma as a kid.  My entire family smoked, inside, nonstop.  My dad and step mother only stopped when my dad had a heart attack when I was in my teens.  My grandparents only stopped when he got lung cancer when I was in my 20's.  They didn't let the fact that their kid/grandkid was asthmatic get in the way of them enjoying their smoking habit, it was only when it affected them directly that they changed their behavior.  Sometimes consequences have to get really really fucking close before you are going to notice them, and what I read from your reiteration of your position is that the consequences haven't gotten close enough to you yet.  I hope that remains true for you.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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    • Rage+1 3
  4. But if it's not dismissed with plaintiff paying attorney's costs, I could make a pretty good case that Trump's goal is to intimidate Cohen into silence where Cohen could be a witness against tfg.  Could this not be used as evidence that he's trying to intimidate Cohen as a witness?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Remember how you keep saying this thing, and I keep asking you to prove I said it, and you keep not.  Pepperidge farm remembers. 

    I do want you to know I hold literal dog shit in higher regards than you.  I'm sure you can figure out where I hold firearms in regards to dogshit.

    Sadly, fatty, I saw your post where it certainly looked like you said that.  I also saw the post where you asked him to prove you said it.  I also saw the post where multiple people pointed you back to the post where it certainly looked like you said that.  

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    This response is exactly what I’ve been warning the Fatties of the world about, to no avail.
    If you wanted to come up with a plan to turn all manner of people, including other gun owners, into flat-out Prohibitionists who will offer zero quarter or compromise the moment they have the power to do so, the path we’re on is exactly what I’d recommend.
    The current zero quarter, zero compromise approach of the dominant political bloc on gun control (the GQP and the absolutists) will work 100%….right up to the point where the balance of power shifts, and then it will work 0%, which is exactly as much movement on the issue that they’ve conceded (yes, I’m aware of a handful of do-nothing pieces of legislation over the past years, but they are functionally zero, and after Bruen, they’re irrelevant).
    Seriously. See how many people are offering the take I quoted, some version of: “I grew up around guns, have used them, have never been particularly bothered by them, but now, I’m fucking done with them. All of them.”
    The Absolutist approach is creating truckloads of new Prohibitionists every day. And math isn’t complicated - eventually, as you keep adding to an opposition group, they’ll eventually outnumber you. It’s utterly stupid, but that’s how we roll in Murica.

    Let's go back into the wayback machine.  I remember when the gays were trying to negotiate about getting our legal rights equalized as it relates to our relationships.  For a long time I wrote on this board that I did not give a shit if it was called a cocksucker's license or civil union or whatever else y'all wanted if it meant I could have equal rights in this country.  Republicans decided to fuck around and find out on that one too.  There came a point where my side had convinced enough people and we were done arguing.  We got what we wanted, and I remember a whole bunch of Republicans who had heretofore been against giving us "civil unions" were suddenly all in favor of that if we just wouldn't call it marriage.  Nah, you had your chance to do some common sense negotiating and you decided to be dicks.  Well guess what, we got what we wanted and we got to coopt the name as well.  Fuck all of you who wouldn't even think about compromising.  

    The same fate will befall the gun lobby eventually.  You can keep having everything you want for now, with a risk of it all going away at some point in the future.  Or, you can negotiate away some of what you want now and you'll be able to keep most everything else in perpetuity.  Y'all are picking the "everything now" option, you just need to be prepared for the consequences.  There are going to be a lot of cold dead hands before this is all over with.

    And FYI for those who weren't around.  Many of the people on this thread participated in these debates, and many of them at some point were on the side of saying that gays didn't deserve equal rights.  Most people came around eventually, but I got a pretty big thrill over those people who, faced with the idea that they had lost completely, were suddenly anxious to compromise.  Sadly, most of those people are gone at this point so I don't get to rub it in with my presence anymore.  I saw all that to say that for all of you, it isn't too late to think long and hard about what you are willing to give up, because if you don't at some start agree to negotiate in good faith, you will eventually have to give up way way way way more than you are being asked for today.  

    • Hook 'Em 5
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  7. 1 hour ago, royiv said:

    Yep. Just a total waste of money and time that could be spent on actually governing instead of playing dumb theatrical games.

    Hell they spent 6 hours to vote to get rid of them because of a 20 minute delay in their day.   Republicans are all for government waste if it means they can own the libs.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  8. So he bought Twitter to, what, amplify the voices of racists and make 3rd grade level dick jokes?  That was his gameplan?  Jesus fuck.

    He could've made 3rd grade dick jokes here for free.

    • Like 1
  9. Ooh, I think there's something here...

    "Did you like product x, but it's wokeness means you can't buy it anymore?  For the low price of $25.99/month plus our cost, we'll continue to provide you with those products so you don't have to buy them from those woke companies.  You can drink your bud light/go to disney without supporting their wokeness because you are paying us instead of them!."  

    Then all you have to do is put a big markup on your cost for the boycotted products.  I bet 90% of them would be stupid enough to fall for it and sign up.  Whose in?

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Drool 1
  10. Wait, are those last two posts real?  Like for real reall?  God dammit I hate this current batch of conservatives so much because they've become so absurd I can't tell the difference between real and fake.

    • Haha 1
  11. Yeah speaking of non-applicability.  Singapore has about the same square mileage as Austin with about the same population as Houston.  But as long as we are bringing in irrelevant comparisons into the conversation, Singapore also has legalized whores.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. 1 hour ago, Don Johnson said:

    No clue.  Something tells me you don't walk in a find Nazi flags hanging over the breakfast table and Mein Kampf in the entry foyer.

    An article from the Maddow Blog seems like it would let you know if it was like walking into the HQ in American History X


    Crow is quite a collector. His personal library would rival a small college, complete with first editions on American history, several original Gilbert Stewart paintings decorating the walls and, under long glass displays, letters of famous people from Thomas Jefferson to the Wright brothers. Then there's the room mementos of the principals of World War II – on one wall, a painting by Winston Churchill, on another wall a landscape by Dwight Eisenhower and, on a third wall, two original paintings of a European city scene by Adolph Hitler.

    These are online photos:







    Money can't buy you taste, exhibit #3,000,015

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