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Everything posted by ShowMeALoss

  1. Ramey makes me nervous every time he touches the ball.
  2. Exciting to see all the big name staff hires so far. Dare I say we go undefeated in the conference next year? Hope Gideon doesn't drop the ball again though. Can you imagine what that would do to his legacy? 🤣
  3. Why not go after Ryan Day? He makes less than $6mn now. For a young coach like him, money could be a big persuader. And we get the pleasure of blowing up OSU's football program.
  4. It has to do with the coach's rolodex. Someone like UM can call on anyone in the industry whereas Herman probably knows only the few coaches he worked with in the past.
  5. I almost wish we had more of these, like every two years instead of every 4-5 years.
  6. What does Zach Smith think about all this?
  7. Let's not kid ourselves. A&M getting in the playoffs would be a huge recruiting boon for them and hurt us. It would be similar to OU getting the recruiting bump when they got into the playoffs even though they got blasted when they were there. Recruits don't think like us fans and analyze how they got there and whatnot. They see a team in the playoff that only needs to fill certain holes to win it all (which would be the pitch). We need to make a splash hire immediately to stop the bleeding or we would set ourselves back for few more years.
  8. These examples are few and far between. For every one of these examples, there are too many more that failed. Our admins haven't shown the ability to pick those hidden gems in decades, and it's not going to change now. OU promoted from within when they were a well oiled machine. Notre Dame hired a proven coach from a small program and yet it took him a while to get it going. Kirby hasn't won shit despite recruiting gangbusters. I think we are aiming a bit higher.
  9. Mensa was #2 in my post. That was a failed experiment, as we all can admit by now. CDC has to be brave and target big time coaches and win the battle with more money and incentives that their current employers can't match. That's how he was able to attract other big time coaches so far. A&M being in playoff contention will incentivize our boosters to open up their wallet.
  10. Coaches we should not hire this time around are: 1) coordinators from top tier P5 programs and 2) successful coaches from G5 or similar P5 programs (including Matt Campbell). Texas is not the place where you try a coach to see if he can make it. It takes lot more than coaching to be successful at a big time program and success at other small programs or as as a coordinator at a big program doesn't necessarily translate to success here. CDC has made splash hires from big time programs so far. I hope that will continue when it comes to the biggest revenue generating sport.
  11. Fucking Leon O'Neal is playing better than Sterns, who I believe was the top rated safety in his class.
  12. You underestimate Belmont's inertia. Herman can be a dead man walking for more than a year unless Jimbo wins the SEC. Texas just doesn't pull the trigger when they need to. I will be glad to be wrong though.
  13. You see fans are once again talking about the song, or the uniform, or fucking shoes rather than demanding a coaching change. The EOT controversy is also a perfect cover for the team's lack of discipline. The narrative becomes: "this is 2020, and like everyone else, our players also have a lot on their mind." While fans and boosters remain unhappy, there won't be a real push to make a change, so everyone gets a free year. That's how I see it.
  14. This is what losing does to you. The longer it goes on the more our fanbase starts to resemble the aggys. I think Belmont is purposely fueling the EOT fire to shift the focus. We are being played as usual.
  15. Who cares about the Eyes of Texas when the team continues to suck? You think the players standing in unity to sing EOT would make the fans feel any better after back to back losses? We are no better than Aggys when we squabble over a school song while our athletic program turns into a national joke. Focus should be on firing Herman and going after a proven coach. Winning sloves everything!
  16. Every time the current coach sucks, some people like to bring up the previous coach and make excuses for why we shouldn't have fired them. Texas is not one of those schools that's quick to pull the trigger. We usually like to drag it on until it becomes a cesspool and the new coach has to work extra hard to change the culture. We should have fired Mack Brown, Charlie Strong, and Rick Barnes at least 2-3 years before they actually were. Not firing them in a timely fashion set our two major revenue sports back by years, if not decades.
  17. I thought Chris Ash was elite. I know it because Urban told us so.
  18. Herman is not going to panic because we lost to a rival this week. He saw a lot of issues that can be fixed and CDC agrees.
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