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  1. I think the debate over what he meant has made people lose track of a simple fact. He is dumb as shit. So whatever is the dumbest explanation, is probably the correct one.
  2. Especially on this Star Wars Day eve.
  3. Small correction. He isn't/wasn't an OKC councilman. He lives in Enid. A very small town about a hundred miles North of OKC. I won't trash it since they just got rid of this asshole, but not surprisingly, Enid isn't exactly a thriving metropolis.
  4. 🤣🤣🤣 https://twitter.com/jamesstout/status/1775163288990429628
  5. That has to be a doctored video, right? I know he isn’t anywhere near as good as he claims. However, that was an absolutely horrible shot.
  6. Speaking of Ted, I used to always assume the worst pairs of Senators were wither Cruz/Cornyn or Lankford/Mullin. Up until last night I had never even heard of Brett. Now, I'm quite confident in saying that the worst pair has to be Tuberville/Brett. Not even close. She seems to be horrific, and we all know about coach already. So, congrats Alabama, you are the worst. Again.
  7. This. Then just drop in that they received her audition tape, which was great, but right now there just aren't any openings.
  8. This is so fucking ridiculous. She is literally one of the hottest young females staring in movies currently. So much so, that it makes me feel like an old perv just looking at her, because she is just too damn young. This is just such a ridiculous notion that she isn't pretty enough, that it makes think this guy has to be trolling. Then I read some of his other posts and it confirmed that he really is just that stupid (IMO). This damn simulation has continued even though it left the rails a long time ago.
  9. One of the reasons I don't argue with trumptards anymore. Me: He is fucking dumb, and has a vocabulary of an elementary student. Them: He went to Wharton. A prestigious grad school in the Ivy League. (Editors note: Yes, it was damn shocking he knew that last part. I assume it was being passed around in the trumptard circles.) Me: He has an undergrad degree in business from Penn. Damn fine school, but even they aren't above having rich daddies buy there kids way in. Them: Then why would he phrase it like he has a grad degree from Wharton? Me: Exactly. Maybe because he is a lying piece of shit? Them: No. I'm sure he wouldn't lie about something like that. It would be too easy to disprove. Me: <Pulls out phone and googles it. Shows them the results.> Them: That can't be right. I don't believe it. 🤦‍♂️
  10. I feel like someone dropped a flaming bag of shit on the front porch of the CR. Great, now I have it on my shoes.
  11. Looks like he will be getting a chance carry on the family tradition of BJs for favors. Although, his favors won’t lead him to the US Congress.
  12. A women is going to get spend all of her time trying to defend the bullshit Supreme Court decision and other general republican fuckery in regards to women’s rights. I’m not sure how well that will go. That is going to be a tough issue for him with or without a woman on the ticket. Just seems easier for a man to turn his nose up and ignore it. SOP.
  13. 🤷‍♂️ Personally, I wish my insurance covered it, or one of the others, for weight loss.
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