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Everything posted by Thrawn

  1. I actually would like to hear Crash Davis’ opinion on the IG investigation. Probably a thousand times more insightful than anything on Fox News.
  2. I have to say that I am borderline shocked at the number of people in that poll that admitted they just don’t like women candidates. Fucking hell. It isn’t like they are the ones who have fucked things up before now.
  3. It seems like it wasn’t that long ago when people kept reminding me that Warren was a Republican well into her adult life and as a result was really some evil capitalist. Now I’m being told on a daily basis how fucking liberal she is and how the midwest just won’t go along with that. Frankly I’m ok with anyone but Biden in the primary. Although, even if he wins the primary I will still vote for him over the Dotard. At that time all that will matter is who can get the most people out to vote in those key states. No crystal ball is going to be able to predict that at this point in time.
  4. Being a sucker for dog pics, when I first saw it, I was wondering if I could Photoshop out the idiot in the background. Then upon further inspection it appears someone intentionally added the idiot. Heinous act of a some demented fuckstick to create that thing.
  5. Dafuq? Who in the hell is Dan Bongino and why is he on Fox News? Is he a lawyer? I'm assuming he isn't. If he is, he appears to be a really shitty one.
  6. That’s like asking Mr. Hanky to go one day not being a POS. Just isn’t possible.
  7. SMH. Of all the places in the country they could go that time of year, he is bringing them here to Florida. I hate going to events/conferences here that time of year. Even with a nice weight light suit your balls are still roasting in their own juices. It is fucking miserable. At least it will be early to mid June. There is at least a chance it won’t be unbearable.
  8. If they do happen to change the rules, I've got $1k on Liz to beat the shit out of Small Hands Donny.
  9. This is what he said: Mr. Schiff said the transcript, “reads like a classic organized crime shakedown. Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the president communicates. We’ve been very good to your country, very good. No other country has done as much as we have, but you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent understand the loss of it on this and on that.”
  10. Fucking Alabamastan. I expect nothing less from those dipshits. Since I include North Florida as part of Alabamastan, I really wish we could get a blue state to vote in favor of expelling Matt Gaetz. He invited a holocaust denier to The State of the Union address. Let’s see which offense actual Jewish people find more offensive. His or hers.
  11. I don't think he spoke at the rally, he just had a stupid quote about the murder committed by the white supremacist. Basically said it had to be actors since no conservative would ever commit and act of violence. Or some stupid shit like that. Although, he seems to be a really good guy, dare I say a stable genius? He is someone POTUS should totally be quoting to his millions of twitter followers.
  12. These "fine people" came to this event in response to these advertisements.
  13. Those two officers in the first picture look like they may be of Hispanic descent. Too bad this dipshit didn't decide to make things fair and try to start his inevitable rampage against brown people right then and there. Of course that would have been too fair. These pussies can't handle that.
  14. Follow up question Mr. President. Then who is paying for the tariffs? Never quite seem to get those in though. Furk.
  15. It appears that Aaron Mate attended the Bob Barr school of summarization.
  16. Like the Republicans wouldn't jump at the chance to investigate Dems, no matter what is happening in the house. Pay attention putz. This shit is already happening and will continue to happen. The only difference is now he gets the chance to have subpoenas shoved up his ass. Hopefully Nunez gets an anal probe as well.
  17. A very dark, very strong stout. I won't make it past 10 pm est, so hopefully we have a good idea of how it is going to end by then.
  18. I'm sure there are forks involved as well.
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