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Everything posted by Thrawn

  1. Fuck, I have a chest/head cold, shortness of breath on a short walk this morning, and just in general feel like shit right now. Plus I live in the same county as one of the people who was just diagnosed and hospitalized with Covid19. Even with all of that, I’m roughly 99% positive I don’t have it.
  2. Wonder if we can get multiple “Dow breaks 25,000” tweets in one day from the Dotard?
  3. Not a huge fan either, but something just feels right about it when I go to the beach. Maybe it will warm up enough tomorrow to hit a spring training game, then end the day at the tiki bar on the beach with more than a few Coronas. Sounds better than hanging out on the lanai with a bottle of bourbon. Though that is plan B at this point.
  4. I have seen a handful of those here in Florida recently. If I actually put shitty stickers on my car, that is the one I would go for.
  5. Trump got his ass kicked every single debate he took part in. Plus he is the most unpopular president in modern history. I don’t thinking anyone is worrying too much about his keen intellect or master debating skills.
  6. Sounds like a good plan. Just need to get my hands on some girl scout cookies.
  7. Alarming? I thought you were supposed to fight fire with fire? The lady with the fire extinguisher didn’t work last time.
  8. Not sure I’m buying all of this Bernie will get killed by Trump rhetoric that I keep hearing on the news channels this morning. Bernie was able to get this strong base for a reason. Even though he is a pretty far left progressive (yes, a democratic socialist) he doesn’t come off as crazy. He comes off as someone who cares deeply for the subject matter he is discussing and he comes across as trustworthy. Pretty much the exact opposite of Trump. Who is a lying, mush brain, POS. Bernie isn’t ideal, but to automatically write him off in the general may be a huge mistake. He can make inroads with the many more moderate voters who are disgusted by the dotard. Suburban women would be a good start. There are lots of issues on which he could find common ground with them. For the record, I’m voting for whoever wins the Democratic nomination in the general. No matter what.
  9. I know the board of my current company doesn’t do shit. Just rubber stamp everything our CEO wants. Hell, they can’t put more than 40 hours of effort annually into our company. Is that a good example? No. Admittedly we are a but dysfunctional. Still, there are plenty of boards where it doesn’t take much effort to serve on them. I serve on non-profit boards where I put in more time in a month than some of our board members do in a year at my company.
  10. I'm surprised as well. Not really giving a shit about him until now, I really didn't know much about him. Though the number of subtle and overtly racist things he has said on camera is kind of insane. Not to mention that not all of it is from like the 60's or 70's. Some of it is after 2010 when he is an old fuck. If he was going to learn his lesson, it seems like he would have learned way before now.
  11. I'm reminded of my ex-wife's grandmother in Tennessee who didn't have single good word to say about Lincoln. Sweet old lady, but damn, don't get her started on Lincoln. I wonder how much of that still persists in the South.
  12. I changed my registration before the last election, but my wife is still a registered republican here in Florida. She voted for Hillary last time. She doesn’t follow politics at all, but Bloomberg’s ads are working on her. If she could vote in the Dem primary that is who she would vote for. I actually get to vote in the Dem primary and I really don’t know who that will be yet. If Sanders keeps his momentum going and looks like he can enter the general in a strong position, then I guess that is my guy. Although damn he is old. Of course, all I really care about is beating Trump.
  13. On a fairly regular basis I end up being around quite a few political types at charity events here in Florida. With Steube and Buchanan being close to me I see them more than others. I never talk politics at these things and I would never say a negative word to these guys. Who wants to be the dickhead calling out people at a charity event? However, I’m not sure I could help myself if I get the chance to meet Gaetz. He is such a fucking clown. At the minimum I’m not sure I could keep myself from laughing at him right in his smug face.
  14. He was referring to being the only OSU fan in Zapata (whatever that is). He being a dumbass is right on target though. Plus I’m not sure any of would willingly refer to ourselves as “Okie Lite”. Of course, those of us on this board don’t give two shits about it, so maybe someone would.
  15. I would never wish cancer on the guy. I also wouldn't want him to die. However, if he, by chance, did bite the big one, this country would be much better off.
  16. He didn’t go to grad school. So daddy only bought one degree.
  17. I know political boards have been infested with trolls since they were first created. After all it is a topic that easily lends itself to trolling. I suppose I was naive, but what I never thought I would see would be a whole fucking party resort to trolling because they know they can't defend their current fucked up positions or leader. Especially a party I was a member of not that long ago.
  18. Are you calling American farmers lazy?
  19. JHC, that is coming from the guy that is the king of "People say" and "I heard". Or whatever other vague bullshit he uses to introduce lies and general horseshit.
  20. I'm pretty confident that labeling Trump a dotard will be the single greatest thing that POS contributes to this world.
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