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Everything posted by EuroHorn

  1. Oher might be backpedaling a bit in the near future
  2. He’ll get adopted by Mack Brown and they’ll call the sequel, Different Strokes
  3. The rose bowl will take the winners of the big 10 pac 12 division and the big 10 everyone else division
  4. You mentioned you’re not having kids. and thank you!
  5. Forgot to mention that quite a few of the organizations that were reassigned to Space Force have been around since the 1940s
  6. You do realize that space force was created by reorganizing existing groups within the different military organizations? Why weren’t you calling for defunding of these groups before now? The new service branch essentially repackages and elevates existing military missions in space from the Air Force, Army and Navy, said Todd Harrison, who directs the Aerospace Security Project at the Center for Strategic & International Studies. "It's about, you know, all the different types of missions our military already does in space — just making sure that we're doing them more effectively, more efficiently," said Harrison. https://www.npr.org/2019/12/21/790492010/trump-created-the-space-force-heres-what-it-will-do
  7. This was a good movie. Based on a true story
  8. Blood and gold was excellent. Had a Tarantino vibe to it
  9. I bet he didn’t pay for it. He has 13.5 million followers on his YouTube channel
  10. Yea, I would have been more concerned with running into a sharknado. his safety concerns were definitely stupid stuff.
  11. What you don’t want to hear right now if you’re on that sub. Who farted?
  12. How much will a submersible tour cost to see the titanic and oceangate?
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