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Everything posted by EuroHorn

  1. Oh well. This is the beginning of the end. Stanfords bats are solid
  2. Classic Texas giving the opposing teams easy opportunities
  3. Unfortunately Stanford is a great hitting team and our pitching has not been the greatest. We were given a gift in the first game when they fucked up in the outfield. Either way, its going to take a lot of runs to win this one. Hopefully Texas can put up at least 8 runs
  4. Stanford is a very good hitting team. We’re going to need at least 8 runs to win it tomorrow
  5. They’ll bring in Mathews tomorrow to close it out if they need to
  6. They were in Palo Alto last weekend as well
  7. Our bats are going to need to create a lot of runs today
  8. Aggy putting in the starter that we beat
  9. This kid is getting close to 175 pitches since Friday.
  10. He stamped that one and sent it to 400 Stanford stadium
  11. Im hoping every SEC team loses today.
  12. This is our “Cotton Bowl”!
  13. Not sure if this was already posted but its entertaining
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