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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 15 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Is that supposed to be an accomplishment? Buccees is a huge gas station designed to stop on road trips. And an oversized gas station convenience store.

    don't forget the $14 bags of jerky

  2. 51 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    By the way, let's point out a couple things-


    1)This is a message board. This is exactly what it's here for. Discussion.

    2)We've all seen dozens and dozens of posts about DO that were 10x more inflammatory and disrespectful with none of the nuance, thought, or admissions of conjecture, yet you somehow managed not to blow a gasket any of those times. Hmm. Strange.

    well you did accuse DO of wanting to watch This Is Us

    • Like 1
  3. 18 hours ago, Dutch said:

    Except tOSU was (and is) never going to allow another in-state school in the B1G.  The only other states with multiple B1G members joined long ago: Michigan St in 1950 and Indiana in 1899 (Michigan and Purdue are founding members).

    there isn't another Big Ten caliber program/school in the state of Ohio, this is like saying Michigan and Michigan State, or Minnesota, will never allow another school from their state into the Big Ten

  4. non-SSO corporate logins that use an unusual Login ID

    most of our shit goes through SSO which makes it easy, but we have ADP for paycheck stuff and the login there is first initial + last name + company name

    So instead of what you might expect, like SwanderedTalent@fleshlight.com, my login ID is stalent@fleshlight

    since I need to look at a paycheck about once every three years, I can never remember the login-- password, sure, "HOTFUCK69***", it's the same for everything

    • Haha 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    I showed you 4.

    it's like you don't even follow college football you stupid t-sip, look here

    first A&M almost beat Clemson at Kyle this year, so you move that game away from the pressure of the home crowd and to Clemson Stadium and give Kellum Mond another year under Jimbo Fisher and that right there becomes a W

    then Alabama will tell you then no one played them as tough as A&M did this past September meaning A&M will be IN THEIR HEADS next year and the game moves from Tuscaloosa to Kyle FIeld, you combine those two things and boom, another W

    Georgia, that game will be over before it even starts. They have been dreading having to play A&M for however many years A&M has been in the SEC, that kind of psychological mind game paired with Jimbo Fisher will be too much for them to overcome

    Lastly LSU, I can't even take you seriously saying that's an L. LSU has never beaten a Jimbo FIsher coached Texas A&M Aggie football team, why would you expect that to start?

    • Like 5
    • Haha 3
  6. 1 hour ago, DaysOff said:

    I can't believe the patience of this man to answer anyone with a thought and a cellphone.

    if I could more than Like this post, I would. Like if I could fuck it, or buy it a present, I would.

  7. 1 hour ago, BigHorn'13 said:

    So your first thought is to tweet the AD? I'd had told him to go play hide and go fuck himself if I witness any adult giving shit to my kid. 

    the part he left out of his tweet was that the kid expressed his desire for a pretzel by saying "hey bitch, get off your fat ass and give me a motherfucking pretzel before I come back there and dick whip the lot of yeh"

    • Like 1
  8. also, the Missouri QB probably could have avoided it by not being a cockfag with a celebration dance

    what is so hard about celebrating without taunting or premeditation/choreography?

    I phrased that with a buncha them big words so as to confuse and anger our Sooner brethren

    • Like 2
  9. 44 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

    I can't imagine how big a turn off that would be to a recruit. Even when watching Jameis, Jimbo would chew his ass out after every single series. Who the hell wants to go somewhere to be berated on national TV 10 times a week?

    not saying you're wrong but we used to say that about Stoops and Co. in the early 00s and it was just wishful thinking for the most part

    key difference being Stoops was winning huge and Fisher's selling being the tip of the gloryhole rod

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