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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 2 minutes ago, MrPhlegm said:
    6 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    Look aggy boy this is a thread about aggy. If you want to talk about aggies we have another thread for that.

    sorry I looked for the Tell Me About New Mexico State thread and coon't find it

  2. 1 hour ago, Valmy77 said:

    And then lost to Washington State. And this after OU beat us by 50. Hard to remember a shittier 10 win season.

    2007 was pretty shitty. Barely beat Arkansas State at home, barely beat UCF on the road, got blown out by Ron Prince at DKR, lost to OU and A&M, and barely beat a Nebraska team that Kansas scored (almost) 80 on. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, You don't know me said:

    Friday night, coming back home from my kid's football game, I was stuck on a 2 lane road behind some asshole wavering his speed between 65 and 40.  The speed limit was 55 the whole way.  When we got to a passing zone, that's when he'd speed up to 65.  When we finally got to a town and the road turned into 4 lanes, I was able to get around.  When I got beside him, fucker was watching videos on his phone.

    sometimes porn won't wait dude

  4. Aggies are a bunch of cocksuckers, but not the good kind that can help you pick out a great pair of dress shoes or cut your hair in a really stylish way, they're the bad kind like Chris Cooper in American Beauty

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  5. On 10/20/2018 at 10:09 PM, Mileslong said:

    After coming off the longest losing streak in the schools history i found it amusing you all are saying “get your licks in now!” All after a meaningless win over another bad team...

    they may have more to brag about in two weeks

  6. 4 minutes ago, Underdog said:

    Rotation?  Shit, just make it permanent. 

    exactly, you don't want to be one of those dumbass programs that fucks with a good thing like LSU... just think of the kind of fans you'd attract   :(

  7. 2 hours ago, Kyrie Eleison said:


    lol....awww, you gonna take your ball and go home?


    Says the LSU fan posting on a Texas fan site.

    Did Kevin Morgan get to keep your personality along w/the Shaggy domain name?

  8. ""They were talking a lot of junk on and off the field," Nebraska's Mike Rozier said of Minnesota in 1983. "They were telling us we were no good and how we were not going to win the game.""

    oh bullshit, minnesota hadn't been to a bowl game in more than 20 years at that point and was 3-8 the year before 

    I do like the typical Nebraska "we didn't run the score up on them! but they deserved us running up the score because _____" shit

  9. On 10/18/2018 at 4:54 PM, randygilman said:

    Did you know it’s possible for two things to be a true at once?

    the main point is that those aren’t bad (they aren’t), and that LSU has great uniforms.

    And two of the three examples you used have had alternate helmets within the past years. 

    LSU definitely has great uniforms. Thus, no reason to fuck with them.

    Alternate helmets-- who is the 2nd? Notre Dame has worn alternate helmets, which were rightly and roundly mocked. As the saying goes, mistakes were made. I don't recall Texas or Michigan changing their helmets in any significant ways. Michigan went back to helmet stickers when Harbaugh was hired. Texas put the jersey numbers back on ours and wore the DKR sticker for a bit. That's not really what I'm talking about. USC has gone back and forth with its facemask, from gray to its red back to gray and I think Michigan has done the same. That kind of cosmetic stuff's not the same as something like A&M wearing maroon helmets for 30 years and then digging up its white ones, which is both a derivative and inferior look for them.

    To your other post, sure, there are other iconic helmets in CFB. Those are the three most iconic. If we wanted to expand beyond three, the first one I'd put up there next is probably Florida State. 

    Changing the base color of your helmet like LSU is doing this weekend is a --100-- Aggie thing to do. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, randygilman said:

    Heaven forbid LSU use (good) uniforms to honor soldiers who fought for the freedom for you to post something that stupid. 

    did you know that the Chinese don't have a word for "naive"? 

  11. 1 hour ago, randygilman said:

    I mean, LSU’s current uniforms are almost perfect, but I love those and the message and explanation behind them. 

    fuck no

    first rule of uniforms, don't change your helmets. LSU wears yellow helmets. it's not difficult.  here are the three best and most iconic helmets in college football without argument or equivocation, and what they have in common is that they are scarcely, if at all, changed in the lifetime of most college football fans




    oh and the "reason" for LSU's candy-ass helmets, and OU wearing white helmets, and Ohio State having an alternate helmet every year? it's because it would be unseemly for the athletic director to literally suck a shoe company president's dick at midfield so they have to settle for doing it figuratively 



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