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Chili dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Chili dog

  1. 5 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    No, Kate just doesn't do much for me. Just think of it has having less competition for her, right?

    I mean, she's not even the best-looking 40-something named "Kate" in my book. That goes to this lovely person:


    There’s just no way any sane person thinks Winslet is hotter than Beckensale. Just no way. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Had a buddy who had business in Belmont the last few years of the Mack era.  He was there a couple times a month at minimum meeting with coaches and staff. He liked Madden a lot.  But claims he, without exception, was always in his office watching shit like Criminal Minds.  

    ALWAYS!!! Never left his fucking office. You can draft the greatest workout mankind has ever known. It’s absolutely worthless if no one is doing it!

    There’s a reason our defense was salty AF under Will, while our o-line was softer than fat dogs tits. Will actually forced the accountability that fat dog didn’t. No one on offense held that side of the ball to the same standard. It’s why Will hated Madden and GDGD. They both knew they were dead men walking when Will was HCIW. 

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Magus Ossis said:

    Riley may have a blind spot with respect to his deficiencies because of their history together at Tech.

    Yeah, and because Riley doesn’t know dick about S&C. Mack really didn’t, either. Fat dog was ok when he worked. He just quit working and Mack didn’t know the difference. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, Katfid54 said:

    It's interesting to me that Riley showed Schmidt the door, but replaced him with Beach Body Benny.  Both seem to have real problems, but even though Schmidt's tactics are ludicrous, he at least appears to have some semblance of a track record in physically developing guys (Orlando Brown's combine bench press reps notwithstanding).  Obviously that doesn't make him a guy that you want around your program.

    Next year is the year that Benny's "training" starts to show at OU, in my opinion.  How many guys do you think they'll have who tear pectoral muscles and blow out their achilles during the season?

    I agree that, with Schmidt, there’s at least the likelihood that whose who survive will be stronger/meaner football players. His methods are a bit antiquated, but half of the strength coach’s job is to develop mental toughness and teach accountability to the team. While he is a dangerous ass hole, I think he probably does a good job of getting players’ minds right if they live long enough to get into a game  


    Benny can’t hold anyone accountable because he’s too busy either working out with the team or posing in the fucking mirror. His workouts are counter-productive. The motherfucker doesn’t even make them squat. He has them doing sets of 23 on curls. He’s a complete idiot. I agree that this should be the year we start to see his impact. I’ve always thought of him as our Trojan horse. He fucking sucks. Im so glad OU hired him. 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    The 5th OL take for this class could be interesting assuming we land Lindberg and Garth.

    I’m hoping we’ll make room for a 6th. I’d like to get one of the OOS guys in addition to the 5 primary in-state targets. 

  6. 4 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    How many coaching vacancies do you think Texas has right now, out of curiousity?


    4 hours ago, NorLa Horns said:

    Your mom has a vacancy. Step right up guys.  


    4 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Of course you wont answer. Did you finally realize that the answer is 0, and therefore there is no reason to, paraphrase you, “get your hopes up about a dfw recruiting rainmaker currently doing nothing.” No one left the staff dipshit. But please explain to us how wareheim taking over special teams and naivar focusing more on defense means we are hiring an 11th coach despite ncaa restrictions. 

    You gonna take that shit, NorLa??? You gotta come back at him with something... Don’t take that lying down. This has been some of the best entertainment all day!

  7. 2 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Yeah, and Drew Mehringer was National Recruiter of the Year.


    Saban is a defensive coach and can compensate for a DC’s deficiencies. Luppoi was a head scratcher, though. That wasn’t a typical Bama defense this year. The offense was the better side of that team for sure. 

  8. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:

    Not sure but with CDC as current AD and the FB program on the rise, the DC role at Texas is not typically a hire from within type position.  Saban paid dearly this past year due to his promotion of Tosh Lupoi.... BIG MISTAKE.

    If Orlando leaves, Not promoting Naivar to DC at Texas probably avoids the Peter Principle.

    Also, Saban promoted Kirby Smart from within as well as Will Muschamp. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Not sure but with CDC as current AD and the FB program on the rise, the DC role at Texas is not typically a hire from within type position.  Saban paid dearly this past year due to his promotion of Tosh Lupoi.... BIG MISTAKE.

    If Orlando leaves, Not promoting Naivar to DC at Texas probably avoids the Peter Principle.

    Luppoi was an idiotic hire. He had only been there a year, so there wasn’t the same knowledge and understanding of the culture/system. I’m not saying Naivar will happen. I’m just saying it wouldn’t shock me. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    I get what you are saying, but doubt Naivar would become DC if Orlando leaves. 

    I don’t know... Tom sure likes alignment. Wouldn’t shock me to see a promotion from within. Wasn’t Naivar going to be in the running for DC had Orlando taken the Houston job?

  11. 3 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Regarding Parked Braun, Texas wants him badly and they’ll gladly figure out something with his brother too. Braun thinks he needs to be in an offense that passes in order to be taken seriously as an NFL prospect. He wants a big brand to do it. 

    He looks like the best grad transfer option of the ones I’ve seen. First one that really moved the needle for me. Hope we can land him and his brother. I like that their dad is an OL coach, too. 

  12. On 1/30/2019 at 11:53 AM, golfclap said:

    Yancey is the key. Just like Moffitt at LSU. The constant at LSU has been physical development. 

    I agree to an extent, but we still have to have the talent. I trust Hand more than anyone we’ve had in a while to identify the right guys. But if we’re bringing in 240 lb athletes and intending to bulk them up, Yancy is absolutely essential. 

  13. On 12/18/2018 at 8:49 AM, Tex Pete said:

    I never paid a lot of attention to OL evals until I played I knew well was being recruited. Through that I realized the OL evals by the recruiting services are absolute shit and that many college coaches are just followers.

    It was easy for me to see that the player I knew would be a bust because he was obviously not a mental fit, he was pretty lazy, he had a helicopter parent who pushed most of his “drive,” he was much bigger than the players he lined up across from, and that was why he had always gained attention. His film wasn’t particularly good, but he usually dominated the guys he went up against...who were regularly 5 inches shorter and 40+ pounds lighter than he was. A few honest conversations with his coaching staff would have made him a hard pass, but lots of schools just got caught up in the chase. 

    Finding great OL is about finding hard workers who are big enough (not necessarily huge), with good agility, who you can project to fit your scheme. It’s hard to do, but there’s not much more to it than that.

    I think the projection part is what people struggle with the most. You can’t get caught up in the hype about a kid. 

    And Wickline, who turned plenty of 2* kids into NFL players at Okie Light, quit recruiting that kid, leading the kid to sign with another school, initially. If I’m not mistaken, the kid signed with us after Wickline left. Not that I’m a huge Wickline fan, but he did have skins on the wall. 

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  14. 3 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    Starting to think if anything does happen it isn't going to be today.  If the meeting was yesterday, they have 48 hours to put him in the Portal.  It seems the most likely scenario is for USC to use up that entire clock in order to try to convince him to stay and/or make some headway on the OC hire hoping that will give him second thoughts.  If Bru would have tried to leverage his silence on reasons for transferring for a quicker process, it seems this would be done by now.

    So no Bru today???


    How do I live without Bru? I want to know...

    How do I breathe without Bru...?

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