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Chili dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Chili dog

  1. 3 minutes ago, EtOH said:

    I’m put in my place. Texas beat the dog shit out of TCU this afternoon. This is really starting to look like the 1990 Horns. Let’s keep this Shock the Nation train rolling. 

    I lost a smoking hot girlfriend in the sleet of the Cotten Bowl that year. Let’s hope this one ends better.  

    If it ends in a BCS game, it will be a raging success, even if we get beaten down. Of course, winning or losing respectably would be preferable. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, Thujone said:

    Caden Sterns is unbelievable. When was the last time you saw a young db like him, showing out as soon as he has? Earl? Right now Caden is better than Earl was at the same point. Hard to believe, but he's a fucking witch. And his performance is overshadowing Foster, who is amazing as well. 

    Earl had a redshirt. Sterns is way ahead of him. Crazy. 

  3. 1 minute ago, closetojumping said:

    Apparently, Shephard got into a physical altercation with a coach during spring work, with $9.95ers present, none of whom had the nads to even allude to it publicly. Fast forward to this fall and he's done something similar again. The bust factor on this guy is sky fucking high. I'm of the opinion from here forward that Texas is better off without him, and wherever he does wind up, they're going to regret it. 

    Looks like we have another opening in the 2019 OL class. 


    Too bad. Wasted talent. 

  4. Just now, closetojumping said:

    First, he's going to beat TexPete soundly about the head and shoulders until he goes limp and passes out. Then, he's going to take TexPete's limp, lifeless body by the ankles, and he's going to club Fatkid54 and IDOITSavant with his torso, swinging around like a whirling dervish. Once he's through with those two miscreants, he's coming for you and me. I suggest fortifying and entrenching, quickly. 

    I’m making provisions for the impending siege post haste. Fresh water and MREs will be at a premium, so I’ve filled the bunkers and raised the draw bridge. Prepare for flying shovels-full of horse shit and corps-issued sabres. The DeAngello Jackboot is coming!

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, DeAngelloBeige said:

    @Katfid54 you can get the beats too! @IDIOTsavant not sensitive at all but just because you have a keyboard doesn’t mean you can be reckless with what and who you say it too! I guarantee none of y’all would have the balls to say this stuff to me in person! Don’t let a keyboard embolden you

    Maybe you would whip TexPete’s ass. Maybe you wouldn’t. Either way, your clear insecurity over the mean man calling you a bad name and your knee jerk response to fight reeks of aggy. You may not be an aggy, but your response lends validity to TexPete’s initial assertion. You sound like a little brother with an inferiority complex. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, DeAngelloBeige said:

    @Katfid54 you can get the beats too! @IDIOTsavant not sensitive at all but just because you have a keyboard doesn’t mean you can be reckless with what and who you say it too! I guarantee none of y’all would have the balls to say this stuff to me in person! Don’t let a keyboard embolden you

    Maybe you would whip TexPete’s ass. Maybe you wouldn’t. Either way, your clear insecurity over the mean man calling you a bad name and your knee jerk response to fight reeks of aggy. You may not be an aggy, but your response lends validity to TexPete’s initial assertion. You sound like a little brother with an inferiority complex. 

    • Like 3
  7. If 2-8 of our teams joined the PAC we’d just divide the divisions into east and west. We’d only play teams from the Pacific time zone twice a year. None if we had a 18 to 20-team super conference. And with the two cross-divisional games, one of those would be at home. Wouldn’t be as bad as it sounds for scheduling. 


    Thats not to say the PAC would be my first choice. It’s workable, though. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, Eugene11 said:

    Is it possible the team just sucks this bad and it’s not mostly coaching? Sam cant throw and no vision. Colin can’t block. O lone can’t block.  We just suck as players first and for most. Coaches aren’t helping with play calling and personnel decisions but which one is the biggest problem. Shitty players with only one year of toms players or shitty coaches and decent players?


    The players weren’t perfect, but that was a coaching loss. Personnel and playcalling. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Big Frog II said:

    The only thing OSU is trying to do here is take the heat off themselves.  It is backfiring.

    I think the deluded degenerates in Ohio really believe Herman snitched for recruiting purposes. Their response to “Urban protects wife beaters” was “Herman objectifies women.” I presume that’s an effort to get moms to think Tom hates women more than Urban in this imaginary recruiting war. Their paranoia and obsession with this fictional narrative may have led them right to the (otherwise impotent) NCAA’s doorstep. All they had to do was shut the fuck up and let it blow over. I really detest that whole institution. I hope their whole athletic department implodes over this. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, nnm said:

    Tried to edit, had to quote my own post instead. 

    Edit:  so do Dave Bliss, Carlton Dotson, and the deceased Patrick Dennehy. 

    Freaking Baylor. 

    Not sure where covering up child rape falls on the scandalous shitbag spectrum, but Penn State thoroughly trumps Ohio State, if not all others.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, SizzleChest said:

    You need a preseason to work out your shitty takes.

    You think? My point was that the NFL will put up with bitch-assedness and play the bitch ass if it thinks there’s talent behind the bitch-assedness. Warren was the first example I thought of because he’s getting tons of reps despite the attitude issues he demonstrated here. I’ll admit there are better examples out there. Dez would’ve been a better one. He was a cancer, but he didn’t get benched. T.O. is a great one. Point is, these turds don’t always get more disciplined when they get to the league. 

    And yes, Warren will likely suffer a labia tear before the season starts. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    Nah, it is just a generational thing. Coaches use to sit stars all the time, and the players would fight back and work harder. Now, there is whining on facebook, threats of transfers, and just stupid shit. When those guys get in the pros, they will probably see that they really can't just rely on talent.

    Not exactly how it’s working out for Chris Warren so far. 

  13. 2 hours ago, BigHorn'13 said:

    Go back and watch the game. Hill had Washington, their best receiver, covered in glue the entire game. I'm not saying Boyd didn't improve late last season but to ignore Hill's suspension as not having anything to do with teams not picking on him as much is silly. 

    I'm hopeful Boyd has a monster year, goes super high in the draft and all that. He still needs to have a dominate full season.

    Oklahoma State was probably Holton’s best game. He was nails, and easily the best DB we had. It was also one of his last, if not his last. Kris took over Holton’s role after that with very little drop off, of any. He showed out against offenses like West Virginia, Tech and Mizzou without Hill on the team. Hill was our best DB, but Boyd closed that gap tremendously. If he continues to improve and keeps his nose clean, he’ll get drafted in the first four rounds, at least. 

  14. 4 hours ago, RowdyVic said:


    The biggest adjustment in Boyd's game that helped him take his level of play up several notched came as the Longhorns were heading into an Oct. 21 home game against Oklahoma State. With Boyd struggling to find the ball and be in the right place at the right time, Orlando and the defensive staff mounted a camera to Boyd’s helmet during practice leading up to the game against the Cowboys to get a better feel for where Boyd's eyes were going and to help him get them in the right place.



    Exactly. So the improvement some people are looking for has already begun. I just wanted to remind everyone that, while he definitely struggled early last year, he was borderline dominant the latter half of the season. 

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