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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MrPhlegm

  1. whatever floats yer boat. ps alpo does that shit when THEY have the ball.
  2. fify crowd should be not the band. fucking smu 100 dorks and a whore play that fucking peruna song the while fucking game. irritating as hell.
  3. fuck disney world. and universal. for a good time take em to Fun Spot. https://fun-spot.com/
  4. I'm in Longwood and I ain't going. especially if it's the fucking irish. already been to one bowel game against those fucks and their goddamn drunken midget. here come the irish here come the irish. fuck that noise.
  5. there is. it is 20 miles from wdw which isn't in orlando. wdw is in bay lake. that's the 4 parks and blizzard beach. disney springs and typhoon lagoon is in lbv.
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