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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Laxtonto

  1. The question is still always going to remain though of why the sale? This is why the reporting mechanism is in place and why I doubt they did a true "dump" and more than likely just moving capital around. Besides, you generally see the nefarious selloff in industries outside of things directly tied to the financial sector. Too many people pay too much close attention to the banking sector. You would have to be an idiot (and the payoff would need to be astronomical) for them to purposely dump knowing the bank may fail. The only real issue I have with this is the precedent that this would set regarding the policy of the 250k guarantee by the FDIC. Does this imply that the value itself needs to be investigated and potentially raised? If so, what does that mean? Is this an issue of the continued steady float of inflation since the last permanent increase in 2010? Or is this more tied to the change in the shape of the distribution of accounts? Lots of weird shit tied in here that highlights the issues with risk mitigation and distribution of accounts more than anything else.
  2. This is sort of like Enron. If you sell it all off and it survives, you have lost your position. In addition, there if it craters after you did a full fire sale, there is no plausible deniability. Now we have the question of did they "know" or did they do it for some other reason. That plausible deniability is what should keep them out of prison.
  3. You have to remember, what else is the AD supposed to say? With the level of vitriol they have with windowcoug they are much better off as an AD discounting the move than any of their other options. Then, they can say that university made a longterm decision and let’s now band together in the AD to crush those religious fanatics down the road in conference. They can’t ignore it, they can’t embrace it. If they discount it and the Pac12 survives they look like they held fast. If it does blow up, who remembers outside of a few hardcore fans that laugh that the AD got overridden/ didn’t listen to by the President and BOR
  4. Sounds a lot like aggy and the SEC...
  5. ND UNC, UVA UW,Oregon FSU, Miami, Utah, Stanford, Cal I guess the real question is who is the equivalent to Utah in the B1G eyes? I have pretty much listed them as a flat “no, not possible” at this point and moved on. They are either in what is left of the zombie P12 without USC/UCLA or in the B12. That is their ceiling.
  6. All I’m going to say is that any real talk about conference realignment is way above the ADs pay grade…
  7. Why waste a captive audience during rivalry week when there are only so am y late night slots? I would go as far as considering rethinking rivalry week in the schedule in general from a marketability standpoint. If you know there are only X many games that can get you guranteed decent numbers for the late night slot, why waste them all on the same weekend? Having BYU/UU, ASU/Ariz, Kan/KSU all on the same rivalry weekend burns a game at min that wont get aired on a decent slot otherwise. There isnt enough "shit, I need to watch that" games in the Big12 inventory to waste them. I would try to set up a big rivalry every week and then now you have the networks with enough flexibility that if natural selection of ranked matchups dont work, you still have an interesting matchup to sell.
  8. Utah to me is one of the must haves for the Big 12 in this because it will provide a legit rivalry that is going to be an instant checkbox for the late night slot every year. Utes vs windowcoug will be something you can schedule mid season and it becomes an instant “yeah it’s late and I’ve probably had a few too many, but is there still a good game on” big ratings draw. One of the things that drives viewership is going to be is this worth staying up for, and frankly watching teams that loath each other and all of the angst, both on and off the field, helps drive it. In many ways one of the problems with the current Big 12 post Tex/OU is that there isn’t enough hate/rivalry that comes through on the screen. The Utes/WindowCoug and Ariz/ASU add two more of those to the conference. It isn’t the level of the iconic rivalries that the SEC and B1G looks to have a monopoly on for the most part, but there will be enough to justify a late night slot and an OK audience.
  9. McCasland from UNT is my guess at this point. Beard to Ole Miss
  10. I would take just better with the caveat of not imploding on critical plays/times during the game. Get a bit more drive but no more mental fuckups inside our or our opponents 20 and we would be a much improved offense.
  11. I sit here and look at our running back room, knowing we are losing 2 to the NFL draft, and think who would we trade with if having an option? There isn’t too many schools in a similar situation as us that I would consider. To me, untested RBs are like bullpens before a mlb season, you are just going to get as much talent together and ride the ones that work out. Would you rather have Baxter, Brooks, and hypothetically Blue or Owens and the rest of the shit show that is the RB room at A&M? Would you trade spots with OU or Auburn? I think we should be fine and I hope by Halloween to see Baxter splitting carries.
  12. I am starting to think we may see a grad transfer as a “safe” backup just in case at this point. If Murphy can’t be healthy this season, Sark will need one more body just for the trash time in games for injury prevention.
  13. My bigger issue is that if he had some form of soft tissue injury that they were numbing up to get him out there to be used as a decoy, wtf was QE throwing bombs to him knowing his hand was borked? I get wanting to get him on the field, and even him shying away from some things and even showing less than max effort on some things if he thinks he is out there as a decoy. But if that is the case, why is QE trying to throw to him all the damn time?
  14. @RGBIII You leaked this to SI! You stupid sip trying to use the BOMC against aggy!!!
  15. Did I miss something official at this point? Been out of pocket this afternoon...
  16. Do these idiots not realize that the reason that would be the case on a 8 game conference schedule is that Texas-OU is way more valuable that Tx-A&M? And why the fuck would the SEC or ESPN allow an 8 conference game schedule with the amount of premium content that would get rid of?
  17. You might have forgotten an important part of our history there buddy...
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