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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Laxtonto

  1. So OTMs are on the rise then?
  2. So.... what the fuck was the catalyst that convinced the aggy recruiting gurus this was a good idea? Are tehy trying to remind the recruits that they have on OL coach, or just trying to highlight that they have a piece of shit with limited credentials as a OL coach... those quotation marks are doing a shit ton of work in that graphic..
  3. If he stays healthy all year and keeps showing improvement on all the little cerebral things on the football field and balls out on STs, I can easily see him being a late-round pick just as a versatile ST/back of the WR rotation glue guy initially and go form there.
  4. Most of the draft pundits are saying this is a weak draft with limited (15 or so) true first-round grades. So if you are a GM then do you take a marginal 1st round pick (especially when 3 or 4 are QBs when you don't need one) or a potential star at RB.
  5. Well something happened live on air. If it wasn't a heart attack then the other possible scenarios seem to be a stroke or some other neurological issue
  6. I am curious if this is a sign that Xi doesn't want to get stuck backing the losing side or is this just theater so that China can keep pushing the peacemaker image on the world stage to help curry favor in places like Africa, the ME, and Eastern Europe?
  7. These numbers are BAD... And they are the sanitized numbers provided by the FSB to show the best-case scenario. Once they people start digging into them, they are going to really highlight how bad the economic state of Russia really is. Most likely the true money crunch won't really be felt until the Fall or Winter, but with how much the everyday Russian is supported by the central government, at some point there will be a major degradation in goods and services. The problem with this simplified view is that payment of troops and other internal services is "easily" fixed by just printing more rubles. Without an external trade mechanism to punish the inflationary measure of flooding Russia with more rubles, there is no real short-term impact from a lack of revenue generation. Where this becomes a disaster is China is about to feast on any and all exports and when the war is over there most likely will be a huge inflationary spike that will crush the everyday Russian. So we are now looking at the slow degradation of goods entering the market itself and those hardships wont really become impactful until the weather turns cold and there isnt enough food or heat. Where this gets curious is if they flood the market with Rubles internally, the value of the closeted funds by the various Oligarchs (which are in essence locked on the international stage but can be borrowed against in a secondary manner) is going to plunge. So while they can print rubles to pay everyone, it makes the ruling class that much poorer and even the blackmarket exchange of Rubles is going to crater.
  8. Oregon and UW seem to be in such and advantageous position when you look at it from the surface level, but once you start digging it becomes so convoluted that it is even possible to talk yourself to a point that they only really make since along with ACC escapees. They have great value of the B12, but as a standalone limited value for the B10. It’s like everyone is waiting on ND and UW and Oregon are having a hard time swallowing that they are several spots back in line.
  9. I used to think that the Nike NIL machine would be a huge plus for Oregon in this setting, but it might be more of a detriment than people think. If I am an AD or president, do I willingly give the 800 lbs gorilla a lifeline into a conference so that now they have the huge NIL warchest plus being paid like the rest of the big boys in CFB? Unless they provide a huge bump in payout to everyone else, worst case the mid-level schools are going to be gun shy about helping Oregon out, much less the rest of the conference. Why help them when you can just let them stay at a salary level less than yours and hope that balances things out.
  10. I wonder how much leverage th departing schools have vs the situation with USC/UCLA… At the time , the Pac12 was stable and the exit therefore needed to be by the book. Now you are sitting there with the argument of “we are leaving as a 4some. Play ball and we will vote to allow teams to reach 14 then minus 4 on the way out and the Pac12 survives as an entity. If not, we leave and you are stuck with a 6 pack and the image/concern of does the conference lives or does it get poached more by the G5?” Is that enough leverage to see a waiver of the rights window? Being able to expand first before a truthful public announcement saves some face for the leftover schools and probably makes their new deal, and so their payout, a little better. Is that offset by penalty language?
  11. So… if they have 2 guys that are fighting for QB1, and Weigman is the longterm savior of aggy hopes and dreams, why recruit another QB as a transfer? Wouldn’t they be better sever to recruit a WR or CB off of Fresno State instead of their backup QB? I know between than to try to rationalize the insanity that is aggy, but why bring in a QB transfer with 3 years of eligibility left at this point? Is their HS QB recruiting for the next 2 cycles so underwater that they are thinking to stack the QB with a transfer so they have a somewhat mature backup for when either of the proverbial “starting caliber” QBs go down due to injury because they are playing behind their dogshit OL they have a backup vs a true FR?
  12. So who could Bama poach from at QB this point that would move the needle? Outside of the P5 I can come up with a few, but there is t a ton of top end guys this year that mage sense. Pratt at Tulane McCall at Costal Carolina Harris at UTSA Reed at WKU
  13. What really shocked me on that list is how many came in and just flaked out vs. like Gray, got hammered by injury. Lots of 5 star “talent” that just didn’t work out or live up to expectations.
  14. News seems awfully scarce right now. Either OPSEC is on overdrive or the Russians have stalled to the point that nothing is happening and the lines are now fully static. I do find it interesting how often we now see info about hopping the Dniper on boats and how it is now a legitimate concern for the Russian troops. Since the planned offensive is narrowed down to most likely in one of two key areas, anyone have any interesting ideas of diversions or proving targets that make sense that would cause chaos during the early part of the spring planned offensive?
  15. My biggest issue with the B10 poaching more schools from the P12 is that they are essentially conceding that the dream that is ND is dead. The great white whale will never be caught and the last big cash cow will either by default stay with the ACC or their will have to be language for independents and another ND style clause for the for the expanded CFP. At some point expansion hits a cap even with a 9 conference game schedule. Until rules make a 13 game schedule a permanent possibility, you really can’t expand beyond probably 18 (5 games in division, rotating 2 in other division and get home and away every 6 years) and keep the fans happy. Now if you are looking at a 10 game conf schedule all sorts of possibilities open up but at some point the saturation of teams make scheduling a headache and consistent rivalries diminish and lose tv value.
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