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Restless Native

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  1. Yeah, and a bunch of them are going to be pissed when they find out that Vegan means no bacon.
  2. ...this woman, that I've never met before (and all the proof that everybody has that I DO know her does not count!)
  3. So, you don’t like bullshit? And that made you vote for Trump? Sound reasoning.
  4. No reason for suspicion. We can work this out. I'd love to have you two over for dinner sometime.
  5. I'm just glad he wasn't wearing a tan suit when he said it.
  6. That's your takeaway from all this? This morning, I learned that 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault. And, you know what? I'm starting to get pretty suspicious about that Jimmy Carter.
  7. It's been okay to say shit like that for a while now, as long as your name is _____________(R).
  8. The exit polls are showing extreme levels of No Shit, Sherlock.
  9. Yep, if my parents would've asked 15 year old me to sign that pledge, I would have happily done it. And as soon as I dropped the pen, I would resume trying to get laid.
  10. I agree, Alex. Austin is terrible. You should move. We have people to help you pack.
  11. I don't think VP-candidate Tucker would add or subtract a single vote. Trump cultists are already Tucker cultists, and vice-versa.
  12. I think it must have blown away in that Alabama Hurricane.
  13. Okay, wait just a damn minute. Comparing Trump to Manson isn't fair. Trump has WAY more felony counts against him than Manson ever did.
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