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Everything posted by RoyalBevo21

  1. Other than the 1 pressure, front 7 getting their teeth kicked in.
  2. I'm just being real about it. Of course at the end of the day anything can happen. And I'm going to watch and dissect every play just like I did when Texas was rolling ULM. Win or lose I'm a Texas fan regardless. I think still being here after the last 10 years proves that.
  3. Something about hearing the afterburners at full tilt after the national anthem that just makes you feel like "fuck ya, it's time for some football"
  4. Wish it was a B-1. Lived in Abilene for awhile, when those things flyover on full burner the city would shake. Awesome display of power. It was a perfect flyover to start this game. https://youtu.be/A4yOtYD5mkw Feed cuts out for a sec from it being so loud. GD that game was just perfect. Keith Jackson was a treasure.
  5. No shleprock. I'm drawing similarities between the two games/teams that will display the talent gap at Texas just like the game in 1991 did. I mean FFS, did you go to Tech? Fucking dense man.
  6. Kinda what I'm exemplifying. 2022 can still be a great season. However, as you can see some of our Longhorn faithful here say "you're a bitch, pussy, etc" if you don't fall in line and say "Horns by 100". There's probably going to be a few moments on Saturday where those folks that are expecting Texas to hang with Bama say "damn, I thought we'd be better than this." We're too young, too inexperienced, and just not ready to compete against that, yet. The final score won't be close.
  7. This has the feel of the '91 Cotton Bowl to me. It's clear were just outmatched man for man. It's ok to admit that. Not saying there isn't an equation that exists that results in Texas winning. It's just very unlikely.
  8. Bud light is the worst of the 3 common light beers.
  9. Why this is so funny is that it's insanely accurate. It perfectly embodies how aggy acts about anything regarding Texas. https://youtu.be/xcU3_Cok3CI
  10. I guess you missed how aggy responded when they found out Texas was invited to the SEC? Lol
  11. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/857322-family-feud-who-is-to-blame-for-the-collapse-of-the-big-12.amp.html
  12. This info was pulled directly from a 2011 article....
  13. The problem is, again, penis envy by the pip squeaks that seem to just exist to try and take down big bad Texas (aggy, Tech, Baylor, etc) Leadership = Texas made moves that were consistent and aligned with the mission of bettering itself and by proxy the conference. But again, the constant in fighting by envious peer universities to "keep Texas in check" It's like the little brothers always asking "stick around and save us, but we're going to meddle in your ability to make money which would make us more money" here's a prime example. Texas: trying to rally everyone and be the leader of not only the Big 12 but college football by being the first conference to have its own network. But here's the result of the limp dicks stepping on their own nuts because they just gotta stick it to the Longhorns Well, then why did they, along with 10 other Big 12 teams (minus Texas), vote against a joint Big 12 TV network in 2006-2007? I'm sure Texas leadership grew tired of being hamstrung by other universities that seemed to have the mission of "screw Texas" rather than working with UT to better the conference. Aggy: A&M's issues with the Longhorn Network could only be taken seriously if it hadn't turned down an offer from DeLoss Dodds to be a part of the network at the time of its inception. At the time, A&M's president Bill Byrne didn't see the venture as profitable. When he realized the project was picking up steam, he wanted on board, but Dodds thumbed his nose at him instead, stating they were already too far along in production. Bad business forced A&M's move, not unfairness. Nebraska: Nebraska was perfectly content with the power structure of the Big 12 when it sat in the driver's seat. Do you suppose a 1-9 record against a certain Texas team, and a tumultuous downfall from power, caused a bit of anxiety in Lincoln? I thought so, too. Nebraska was also adamantly opposed to the creation of the Longhorn Network. Well, then why did they, along with 10 other Big 12 teams (minus Texas), vote against a joint Big 12 TV network in 2006-2007? Nebraska and the others didn't want to put the necessary resources is in to create such a network, so Texas did it by itself. If Tom Osborne's arrogance hadn't gotten the best of him and his program, the Big 12 would still be standing on two legs. This is from Nebraska leadership in 2007: On 810 today, both chancellor Perlman and AD Weiser noted, idly, the possibility of schools leaving the conference. Perlman noted that Nebraska wouldn't rule out the possibility of leaving the Big 12 (presumably to go to the Big 10) if forced to share revenue.
  14. Which in my opinion is he grew up in it. Born and raised in Kansas and a graduate of Kansas St. He's well versed in all things Big 8 and Nebraska. As much shit as Texas gets, Nebraska abused TF out of the Big 8 and everyone just went along with it.
  15. Too many "ifs" in there. The Big 12 was doomed from the beginning. We're fundamentally very different. People from Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri have this weird chip on their shoulder about being overlooked (I get it, the Coastal elites mentioning flyover country is annoying AF) I know they'll never admit it but Nebraska was really the Benedict Arnold of the Big 12 from the beginning. 1. They had the attitude "we saved the SWC schools and let them going our conference". This was not the case, the Big 12 was a brand new conference. 2. Big Red was rolling in the 90's while Oklahoma and Texas were wandering the desert. Nebraska knew they needed to keep this advantage and pushed unequal revenue sharing hard. 3. Texas has always had the mission of being a world class University with it sights set in the UC System and the ivy's. Going back to what I referenced earlier about that flyover state attitude, Nebraska's identity and pride is tied to football. Texas helped raise the academic profile of the entire conference by getting rid of Prop 48 players but this severely pissed of Nebraska and Tom Osborne. 4. The lower level schools and the penis envy created an atmosphere of toxic resentment from all parties involved. Voting blocks, coaches poll votes, negative recruiting, etc. It showed Texas they need to get TF away from all the little brothers who only care about "ruining Texas" TLDR: Nebraska and their fragile ego fractured the conference from the get go.
  16. While we're at it, extra "ball, pass, oskie" drills the week before Tech in 2008 would be great.
  17. Pac fans are def turning their nose up in regard to joining the Big 12. From what I've read on Utah and ASU's board is to add Boise and SDSU lol.
  18. Why can't y'all just admit that there's a shitty college football culture west of Lubbock. The fans of the Pac-12 don't care about college football as much as other P5 conferences which is precisely why the one school that actually does really give a shit is leaving. But to dissect your point, we should compare what it looks like when South Carolina plays the Citadel. Or here's a fucking thought, maybe don't schedule Southern bleeping Utah.......
  19. Yes, exactly. However I know that some schools just got a lucky free ride (Vanderbilt, Purdue, etc)
  20. Lottery winners. Also, most on the list weren't stupid enough to fight against their providers.
  21. Oh no no no, this is precisely about schools like ASU. You see, schools like that don't have the fortitude or grit to go all in and go after that national title and be behind their football 100%. They want to look around and look up to big brother and say "hey, go be great so we can tag along. But, also we're going to slander you, beg you, cheat you, and make the game against you the biggest on our schedule every year. But you're totally fucked up if you cut us off because we're too half ass committed to our own program to establish our own identity other than being an underdog and trying to ruin your season. Get that TV money though big bro, we need it!" That applies to about 60 programs Tech, TCU, Baylor, most of the Pac 12. Everyone in the ACC not named Florida State or Clemson. The fans (you said so yourself), the media, the schools are tired of the nobodies hanging on. They want to see big games on big stages. The pip squeaks free ride is over. And the gall they have to be pissed is a GD joke. AZ State has been in the Pac 12 for 44 years!!!!! They've had 44 years to get it together and simply chose not to. Again, it's on you (the fans, alumni, boosters). Stop blaming the schools that are looking out for their best interest when that's exactly what the pip squeaks are trying to do by begging to stay relevant and acting like their cause is somehow more noble. You had your chance, you blew it.
  22. West Virginia is playing Pitt this year. Maybe Kansas would play Missouri annually if they hadn't acted like such a dick head on the way out the door. Texas played Oklahoma like 80+ times being in different conferences.
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